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the familys that lived with her in the attic were her own family, The Frank Family, and the other family was The Van Pels Family.

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Q: Who were the two families Anne was living with in the attic?
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They lived in the attic of a house in Amsterdam. They were hidden by friends, and lived with two other families.

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Miep Gies helped the two families in the secret annex by buying them food, soap and things they needed for a general living.

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Why did Anne Frank hid in her attic?

Anne Frank and her family hid in the attic to avoid persecution by the Nazis during the Holocaust. They lived in hiding for over two years to escape being sent to concentration camps because they were Jewish.

Why did Anne Frank sent to the camp?

She was hiding for over two years in an attic and someone caught the Frank family. Since they were Jewish they were sent away to camps.

Why do you think Anne Frank story is so meaningful to many people?

She had to hide in an attic for two years of her life, and she still found reasons to smile and be happy. Anne Frank teaches us that there is a bright side to everything.

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In what ways was Anne franks life despicable?

Anne Frank was very young when her family was forced to go into hiding to escape the gestapo. They lived in the attic behind a bookshelf for two years where they were forced to be completely still and quiet during the daylight hours so that nobody would figure out they were there. When she was 15, Anne and the other occupants of the attic were discovered and taken to the concentration camps. She died in the camps at the age of 16. Her father, Otto, was the only one of the family to survive the Holocaust and go on to be sure their story, including Anne's diary, were published for the world to know.

What did anne frank do to become famous?

she wrote a diary of her experiences in world war 2 when she and her family were in hiding. when she died they found a diary (hers) in the attic where her family was hiding. two years after the war, her diary was published.

Anne Frank what made her famous?

Anne Frank became famous for her diary, which she kept while in hiding during the Holocaust. The diary provides a firsthand account of her experiences and thoughts while living in hiding. After her death, her diary was published and became a symbol of the suffering faced by Jews during World War II.

What was the bathroom called in Anne Frank's diary?

Hopefully after she used it, especially after doing number two's, otherwise the smell would have stunk out her attic and the whole family would have had to suffer.

What are some great things that Anne Frank did?

she of coarse wrote in her diary throughout the Holocaust while in hiding. She hid in the secret annex with two other families. The Franks hid in the annex for around 2 years before being found by Nazis and taken to concentration camps where everyone in the annex besides Anne's father died. Anne sadly died two months before the camp was liberated