The french pilgrams from what i reserched You are so welcome From,The unknown
The 1623 English fishing Colony in present day Rye under the leadership of David Thompson an agent for John Mason the Governor of New Hampshire.
the majority of people that settled in New Hampshire were British.
In 1614, John Smith explored what is now New Hampshire. By 1623, settlers founded New Hampshire's first permanent non-Indian town. Today that town is Hover. John Mason named New Hampshire in 1629 after Hampshire, England. In 1641, it was part of Massachusetts, but by 1680 it was made a colony by New England
The original land grant or patent for New Hampshire was issued to Captain (later Vice Admiral of New England and the former Governor of Newfoundland) John Mason in 1620 by King James I and to that extent he is considered the founder of New Hampshire.
The settlers in Connecticut were mainly from the Massachusetts Bay Colony, particularly from towns such as Roxbury, Dorchester, and Watertown. Some settlers also came from other English colonies such as Rhode Island and New Hampshire.
they came to New Hampshire to fish and trade!
Your corn hole
the pilgrims
England and Europe
they came to New Hampshire to fish and trade!
Derry New Hampshire was named by Ulster-Scots for Derry Norther Ireland.
the majority of people that settled in New Hampshire were British.
New Hampshire was discovered by two groups of English settlers sent by john mason in 1623