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Q: Who were the reformers who protested certain practices of the Catholic Church?
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What started the troubles in londonderry?

The lack of human rights for certain parts of the community. People protested, but were not given their rights and they were attacked by police and from there things escalated into violence.

Which religious reformer was responsible for the protest reformer?

Martin Luther is considered the key figure in the Protestant Reformation. In 1517, he famously wrote the Ninety-Five Theses, which criticized certain practices of the Catholic Church. This led to a movement that sought to reform and separate from the Catholic Church, ultimately giving birth to Protestantism.

Are people allowed to watch NFL teams practices?

Yes, but only certain ones.

Who is a reformer?

A political reformer is one who promises voters that he will address poor practices or questionable activities in government, especially where corruption is concerned. Many elected reformers follow through on at least part of their promises.A religious reformer is someone who feels that a certain religion has overstepped its bounds or has lost its original message, purpose or goal, and who attempts to bring it back to its original pure state.

What is Zwinglism?

Zwinglism refers to the teachings and practices associated with the Swiss Reformation leader Ulrich Zwingli. Zwinglism emerged in the early 16th century and emphasized the authority of scripture, the priesthood of all believers, and the rejection of certain Catholic practices such as the veneration of saints and the use of images in worship. Zwingli's ideas had a significant influence on the development of Protestantism, particularly in Switzerland.

Related questions

How did Luther protest against certain Catholic practices and teachings?

By detailing them in his infamous 95 Theses.

Difference between puritans and Protestants?

Protestants are followers of the Christian faith who protested against certain teachings and practices of the Roman Catholic Church. Puritans were a specific group within Protestantism who sought to purify the Church of England from perceived Roman Catholic influences. While all Puritans were Protestants, not all Protestants were Puritans.

What if the following was not a conclusion of the council of Trent?

The Council of Trent was a pivotal event in the Catholic Church's history. If a certain conclusion was not reached, it could have had far-reaching implications for the future of Catholic doctrine and practices.

What name was given to reformers who believed in progress and wanted to work for it?

Reformers who believed in progress and wanted to work for it were called protestants. These are people who differed with certain ideologies in Catholicism.

What protestant denomination was first after the Catholic Church?

The first Protestant denomination that emerged after the Catholic Church was the Lutheran Church, which was founded by Martin Luther in the early 16th century. Luther's teachings and his criticism of certain practices of the Catholic Church led to the Reformation and the establishment of the Lutheran Church.

Why were many female reformers Quakers?

Quaker women enjoyed a certain amount of equality in their own communities.

What prompted the catholic reformation during the sixteenth cetury?

The Catholic Reformation, also known as the Counter-Reformation, was prompted by the challenge posed by the Protestant Reformation. Leaders in the Catholic Church sought to address criticisms and reform certain practices within the church, such as corruption and the sale of indulgences, in order to combat the spread of Protestantism and strengthen the church's influence. This led to changes and revitalization within the Catholic Church.

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What is a protestant?

Protestants are the branch of Christianity that broke away from Catholicism. Their name comes from the fact that they "protested" against the Catholic faith, first on the matter of divorce, but then on other matters as well. "Protestant" is thus a general term for any of a number of Christians who hold certain beliefs that are different from the Roman Catholic church. Among the largest Protestant denominations are Methodists, Baptists, Episcopalians (called Anglicans in England), Congregationalists, Unitarians, and Lutherans.

What is a protesting?

Protestants are the branch of Christianity that broke away from Catholicism. Their name comes from the fact that they "protested" against the Catholic faith, first on the matter of divorce, but then on other matters as well. "Protestant" is thus a general term for any of a number of Christians who hold certain beliefs that are different from the Roman Catholic church. Among the largest Protestant denominations are Methodists, Baptists, Episcopalians (called Anglicans in England), Congregationalists, Unitarians, and Lutherans.

Is Protestants a Protestant?

Protestants are the branch of Christianity that broke away from Catholicism. Their name comes from the fact that they "protested" against the Catholic faith, first on the matter of divorce, but then on other matters as well. "Protestant" is thus a general term for any of a number of Christians who hold certain beliefs that are different from the Roman Catholic church. Among the largest Protestant denominations are Methodists, Baptists, Episcopalians (called Anglicans in England), Congregationalists, Unitarians, and Lutherans.