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Neither, "red coats" were British soldiers stationed in the colonies. They wore red coats as part of their daily uniform hence the moniker "red coats", or "lobster-backs".

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Q: Who were the red coats was it loyalists or patriots?
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What were the blue coats called jn the revolutionary war?

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Red coats

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Loyalists and patriots were all Americans however, loyalists supported Brittan and patriots were all for America

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they both wore red

Interaction with loyalists and patriots?

The loyalists hated the patriots because the patriots were always tarring and feathering them.

What name was given to the British during the revolutionary?

The "Red Coats," after the color of their uniforms. Loyalists

What did patriots and loyalists favor?

Loyalists remained loyal (hence their name) to the Crown.

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because the patriots think that the loyalists are traitors to the colonists

What were the sabotages between Loyalists and Patriots?

The patriots tarred and feathered the loyalists. They also ruined loyalist houses.

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The Loyalists wanted to be ruled by Great Britain and the Patriots wanted to be free from Great Britain.

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What have in common the Patriots and the Loyalists?