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Miep Gies, Elli Vossen, Victor Kraler, and Jo Koophuis

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14y ago
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13y ago

some people helped by informing, some by driving trains or trucks, or by building the facilities, but mainly people helped by supporting the government.

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12y ago

anne frank was helped by a jewis family during ww1 !!

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Q: Who were the people who helped Anne Frank hide?
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Who was Victor Kugler?

Kugler was one of the people who helped to hide Anne Frank and her family during the Nazi occupation.

Who did Meip hide?

Miep Gies hid Anne Frank, her family, and four other Jews in the Secret Annex in Amsterdam during World War II.

Were did anne frank hide?

In an Annex... Miep Gies helped her and her family along with her husband Henk.

Who agreed to help the Anne Frank Family during the Germany invade?

Miep Gies and Mr.Kraler helped Anne Frank's family hide during the Holocaust.

How did Anne Frank hide?

She hide in a box!

What was the name of the woman who helped the Family of Anne Frank to hide during the WW-II?

Miep Gies

What happened to the people who were helping the hide always in Anne frank?

The people who were helping to hide Anne Frank and her family were eventually discovered and arrested by the Nazis. They were also sent to concentration camps and some sadly did not survive.

Who is bep in dairy of Anne frank?

In Anne Frank's diary, "bep" refers to Bep Voskuijl, one of the people who helped hide Anne Frank and her family during World War II. Bep worked as a secretary in the building where the Secret Annex was located and provided assistance to the occupants during their time in hiding.

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Miep Gies was the only occupant of the annex to survive the concentration camp. Miep was one of the people who helped hide Anne Frank and her family during the Holocaust.

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Why do they decide to hide? Anne Frank

Why was Miep Gies important?

Miep Gies was important for helping to hide Anne Frank and her family during World War II in Nazi-occupied Amsterdam. She courageously provided food, supplies, and emotional support to the Frank family while they were in hiding. After the war, she found and preserved Anne's diary, which later became a powerful testimony to the Holocaust.