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In World War II it was Nazi Germany and the Axis. After the war ended it was mainly the United States and all other non communist nations.

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The opponents of the Soviet Union included countries that were part of the Western bloc, such as the United States and its NATO allies. These countries opposed the Soviet Union due to ideological differences and the fear of Soviet expansionism. Additionally, there were internal opposition groups within the Soviet Union itself, such as dissidents and anti-communist organizations.

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Q: Who were the opponents of the Soviet Union?
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Was the Soviet Union allies with Poland, because I read that the Soviet Union invaded Poland in order to drive the Germans back. I need to know if Poland and the Soviet Union are foes or allies?

no they are opponents

Who were the primary opponents in the Cold War?

The major rivals in the cold war was America and Soviet Union (Russia).

Who were the Combatants of the Cold War?

{| |- | The primary opponents were the US and the Soviet Union. The US was supported by NATO while the Soviet Union had the Soviet Bloc. While they were opponents, they did not actually have a war going on that was hot, they weren't shooting at each other. There were numerous engagements with others that were bullets were flying. |}

Who was the Cold War between?

{| |- | The primary opponents were the US and the Soviet Union. The US was supported by NATO while the Soviet Union had the Soviet Bloc. While they were opponents, they did not actually have a war going on that was hot, they weren't shooting at each other. There were numerous engagements with others that were bullets were flying. |}

Why were the us and the Soviet Union opponents?

The US and the Soviet Union were opponents during the Cold War period of 1945-1990, because they had different ideologies and objectives for the world. The US wanted a world based on the free market, democracy, and independent nations, while the USSR was trying to bring about a world of a command economy, dictatorship, and control of all nations by the USSR.

Is the soviet union in US?

no, its not! The Soviet Union is Russia.

What was the outcome of the Bolsheviks revolution?

The Bolsheviks ruined The Soviet Union's economy and not to mention the civil war that raged between them and their opponents who formed the White Army

Why was the the 1945 to 1991 called the Cold War?

{| |- | The primary opponents were the US and the Soviet Union. While they were opponents, they did not actually have a war going on that was hot, they weren't shooting at each other. There were numerous engagements with others that were bullets were flying. |}

Which orginazations members were formerly parts of the sovient union?

Some countries that are now in the European Union were part of the Soviet Union. Most countries in the European Union were never in the Soviet Union and most former Soviet Union countries are not in the European Union.Some countries that are now in the European Union were part of the Soviet Union. Most countries in the European Union were never in the Soviet Union and most former Soviet Union countries are not in the European Union.Some countries that are now in the European Union were part of the Soviet Union. Most countries in the European Union were never in the Soviet Union and most former Soviet Union countries are not in the European Union.Some countries that are now in the European Union were part of the Soviet Union. Most countries in the European Union were never in the Soviet Union and most former Soviet Union countries are not in the European Union.Some countries that are now in the European Union were part of the Soviet Union. Most countries in the European Union were never in the Soviet Union and most former Soviet Union countries are not in the European Union.Some countries that are now in the European Union were part of the Soviet Union. Most countries in the European Union were never in the Soviet Union and most former Soviet Union countries are not in the European Union.Some countries that are now in the European Union were part of the Soviet Union. Most countries in the European Union were never in the Soviet Union and most former Soviet Union countries are not in the European Union.Some countries that are now in the European Union were part of the Soviet Union. Most countries in the European Union were never in the Soviet Union and most former Soviet Union countries are not in the European Union.Some countries that are now in the European Union were part of the Soviet Union. Most countries in the European Union were never in the Soviet Union and most former Soviet Union countries are not in the European Union.Some countries that are now in the European Union were part of the Soviet Union. Most countries in the European Union were never in the Soviet Union and most former Soviet Union countries are not in the European Union.Some countries that are now in the European Union were part of the Soviet Union. Most countries in the European Union were never in the Soviet Union and most former Soviet Union countries are not in the European Union.

How did the communist establish control in the new union of soviet socialist republic?

the communists instituted one-party rule, suppressed individual liberties, and punished opponents.

What countries had economic growth during the Great Depression?

The Soviet Union

When was Supreme Soviet of the Soviet Union created?

Supreme Soviet of the Soviet Union was created in 1938.