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To list just a few:

  • Lt. Col. James Chalmers, Commander, First Battalion of Maryland Loyalists and author of anti-"Common Sense" pamphlet entitled "Plain Truth" in 1776.
  • John Butler, Colonel commanding Butler's Rangers in the Mohawk Valley).
  • Joseph Brant Thayendenegea, Mohawk war leader .
  • Sir John Johnson, commander of the King's Royal Regiment of New York).
  • William Franklin, Governor of New Jersey, son of Benjamin Franklin.


Contrary to popular opinion in America 'Benedict Arnold' was not regarded a 'loyalist' by the UELs. In fact, he was "expunged" officially from the Loyalist Directory in 1799. Remember: to the loyalists, the patriots were the 'traitors'. So, notwithstanding his subsequent 'change of heart', Arnold remained anathema to those who had sided with The Crown from the beginning of the conflict and who suffered greatly as a result.

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12y ago

Loyalists were basically colonists loyal to the king. They were usually rich merchants or businessmen, and often fled to England. They fled the country in fear of being "tarred and feathered" by the Patriots, particularly by the Brothers of Liberty. The term "tarred and feathered" refers to the complete immersing of a man in hot tar and then the dumping on feathers upon him, in order to make the feathers stick to the tar on the loyalist. This was both humiliating and extremely agonizing.

Loyalists were one of three groups in the Revolutionary War. The first group was the Patriot group, famously the group against the King. Then of course, there were loyalists who were for the king. And lastly, there were those neutral in the war, with no particular view upon the subject.

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10y ago

Notable loyalists in the American Revolution included John Connolly and Alexander McKee. Colonel Thomas Fletchall and William Drayton were also famous loyalists.

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