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The most famous was Shakespeare, but there were others I'm not to sure about, cos I'm not really into plays and drama! :S

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Q: Who were the main playwrights of the time in Tudor times?
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The Tudor period. He was Henry Tudor.

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Pre-Elizabethan was the time Queen Elizabeth I lived. It was also called the Elizabethan time.

What did they eat in Tudor times?

In the Tudor times, the poor ate vegetables, bread, and whatever meat they could find. There were no refrigerators or freezers in that time. They would hunt what they could eat that day. The rich ate a variety of meats including what they hunted.

What plays were performed in Tudor times?

Some of the most well known plays of all time were created during the Tudor times, especially during the reign of Elizabeth I. Perhaps the most renowned playwright of all time, William Shakespeare, wrote and performed plays during her time. Christopher Marlowe was another famous playwright from the time of the Tudors.

How many people would play a Tudor football match?

In Tudor times, there was no limit on the size of teams playing football. Often all the inhabitants of one area were eligible to play in a team at the same time.