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Anti Federalists and Federalists. Anti Federalist: Thomas Jefferson and James Madison. Federalist: John Adams and Alexander Hamiliton.

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It was formed by Alexander Hamilton, who served as secretary of the treasury in the new government organized by George Washington.

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Q: Who were the leaders of the first political parties and who were their supporters?
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Who are the leaders beliefs and goals of the countries first political parties?

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Who was the leader of the first political party?

The leaders of the American Revolution did not approve of the idea of political parties, but it seems they were inevitable. Alexander Hamilton and Thomas Jefferson were the founders and leaders of the first two political parties in the United States.

What ways do the first political parties align with current political parties?

one of them is republic

Which of the political partie s was the first to disappear?

The term federalist was first used in 1787 to describe the supporters of the newly written.

What were the first American political parties?

The first parties were the Democratic-Republican party and the Federalist party.

What led to the rise of political parties?

Differences on foreign and domestic policy led to the nation's first political parties.

First political parties?

The first political party was the Federalists, followed closely by the Democratic-Republicans.

Where are political parties found in the constitution?

No, it does not. There is no mention of political parties in the constitution, it is just how politics develops.

Name the first two political parties in US History and their leaders?

federlists led by Alexander hamilton and the antifeds led by thomas Jefferson. Are you stupid kid? i mean really.

The first political parties were formed around regional and economic differences.?

Yes, the first political parties were formed around regional and economic differences. This is true.

What are the first 2 major political parties?

The first 2 political parties are the Federalists lead by Alexander Hamilton and the Democratic Republicans lead by Thomas Jefferson.

Which party was the first political parties in the US?
