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If by people you mean the officials, they were the aediles, who were responsible for the infrastructure of the city and some games, the quaestors, who were in charge of the treasury and national bookkeeping, the praetors who dispensed justice and were responsible for certain areas of the city and handled certain types of crimes, and the consuls who were responsible for domestic tranquility and foreign policy. There were also tribunes of the plebs who had wide ranging powers and originally were supposed to use them to further the interests of the plebeian class. However the office soon deteriorated into one peopled by stooges for other ambitious politicians.

If by people you mean the officials, they were the aediles, who were responsible for the infrastructure of the city and some games, the quaestors, who were in charge of the treasury and national bookkeeping, the praetors who dispensed justice and were responsible for certain areas of the city and handled certain types of crimes, and the consuls who were responsible for domestic tranquility and foreign policy. There were also tribunes of the plebs who had wide ranging powers and originally were supposed to use them to further the interests of the plebeian class. However the office soon deteriorated into one peopled by stooges for other ambitious politicians.

If by people you mean the officials, they were the aediles, who were responsible for the infrastructure of the city and some games, the quaestors, who were in charge of the treasury and national bookkeeping, the praetors who dispensed justice and were responsible for certain areas of the city and handled certain types of crimes, and the consuls who were responsible for domestic tranquility and foreign policy. There were also tribunes of the plebs who had wide ranging powers and originally were supposed to use them to further the interests of the plebeian class. However the office soon deteriorated into one peopled by stooges for other ambitious politicians.

If by people you mean the officials, they were the aediles, who were responsible for the infrastructure of the city and some games, the quaestors, who were in charge of the treasury and national bookkeeping, the praetors who dispensed justice and were responsible for certain areas of the city and handled certain types of crimes, and the consuls who were responsible for domestic tranquility and foreign policy. There were also tribunes of the plebs who had wide ranging powers and originally were supposed to use them to further the interests of the plebeian class. However the office soon deteriorated into one peopled by stooges for other ambitious politicians.

If by people you mean the officials, they were the aediles, who were responsible for the infrastructure of the city and some games, the quaestors, who were in charge of the treasury and national bookkeeping, the praetors who dispensed justice and were responsible for certain areas of the city and handled certain types of crimes, and the consuls who were responsible for domestic tranquility and foreign policy. There were also tribunes of the plebs who had wide ranging powers and originally were supposed to use them to further the interests of the plebeian class. However the office soon deteriorated into one peopled by stooges for other ambitious politicians.

If by people you mean the officials, they were the aediles, who were responsible for the infrastructure of the city and some games, the quaestors, who were in charge of the treasury and national bookkeeping, the praetors who dispensed justice and were responsible for certain areas of the city and handled certain types of crimes, and the consuls who were responsible for domestic tranquility and foreign policy. There were also tribunes of the plebs who had wide ranging powers and originally were supposed to use them to further the interests of the plebeian class. However the office soon deteriorated into one peopled by stooges for other ambitious politicians.

If by people you mean the officials, they were the aediles, who were responsible for the infrastructure of the city and some games, the quaestors, who were in charge of the treasury and national bookkeeping, the praetors who dispensed justice and were responsible for certain areas of the city and handled certain types of crimes, and the consuls who were responsible for domestic tranquility and foreign policy. There were also tribunes of the plebs who had wide ranging powers and originally were supposed to use them to further the interests of the plebeian class. However the office soon deteriorated into one peopled by stooges for other ambitious politicians.

If by people you mean the officials, they were the aediles, who were responsible for the infrastructure of the city and some games, the quaestors, who were in charge of the treasury and national bookkeeping, the praetors who dispensed justice and were responsible for certain areas of the city and handled certain types of crimes, and the consuls who were responsible for domestic tranquility and foreign policy. There were also tribunes of the plebs who had wide ranging powers and originally were supposed to use them to further the interests of the plebeian class. However the office soon deteriorated into one peopled by stooges for other ambitious politicians.

If by people you mean the officials, they were the aediles, who were responsible for the infrastructure of the city and some games, the quaestors, who were in charge of the treasury and national bookkeeping, the praetors who dispensed justice and were responsible for certain areas of the city and handled certain types of crimes, and the consuls who were responsible for domestic tranquility and foreign policy. There were also tribunes of the plebs who had wide ranging powers and originally were supposed to use them to further the interests of the plebeian class. However the office soon deteriorated into one peopled by stooges for other ambitious politicians.

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11y ago
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11y ago

There were the patricians who were the aristocracy and the plebeians who were the commoners - all non-patricians both rich and poor. Over time the rich plebeians were co-opted into a patrician-plebeian oligarchy and were given equite (cavalryman) status. The equites were the lower tier of the aristocracy. The patricians remained the upper tier of the aristocracy.

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11y ago

If by people you mean the officials, they were the aediles, who were responsible for the infrastructure of the city and some games, the quaestors, who were in charge of the treasury and national bookkeeping, the praetors who dispensed justice and were responsible for certain areas of the city and handled certain types of crimes, and the consuls who were responsible for domestic tranquility and foreign policy. There were also tribunes of the plebs who had wide ranging powers and originally were supposed to use them to further the interests of the plebeian class. However the office soon deteriorated into one peopled by stooges for other ambitious politicians.

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11y ago

In the early Roman Republic the consuls were the most important people, at least in the political area. In emergencies dictators could be appointed, Cincinnatus for one. In the early days of the republic the consuls and other elected officials were expected to have solid military experience to add to their public esteem. The early republic was also the time when the major families, such as the Cornenii and the Metalii began accumulating their power and the paterfamilia of the major families was also a man of importance.

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14y ago

Julius Caesar, Octavian, and Marc Antony who were creating Rome from Republic to


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10y ago

The patricians were the aristocracy. They were owners of large landed estates, intellectuals and politicians.

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Q: Who were the groups of citizens in the Roman republic?
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When rome was a republic who was allowed to vote?

Only male Roman citizens of the first class were allowed to vote in the Roman republic.Only male Roman citizens of the first class were allowed to vote in the Roman republic.Only male Roman citizens of the first class were allowed to vote in the Roman republic.Only male Roman citizens of the first class were allowed to vote in the Roman republic.Only male Roman citizens of the first class were allowed to vote in the Roman republic.Only male Roman citizens of the first class were allowed to vote in the Roman republic.Only male Roman citizens of the first class were allowed to vote in the Roman republic.Only male Roman citizens of the first class were allowed to vote in the Roman republic.Only male Roman citizens of the first class were allowed to vote in the Roman republic.

In the Roman Republic laws were made?

Those enacted by the assemblies of the citizens.

Roman society was composed of what two groups?

The Roman Patricians The Roman Citizens The Roman Plebeians. The Roman Slaves The Roman Soldiers

What is the two groups which the roman population was divided into?

The males of Rome were either Patrician or Plebeian. The Patricians were aristocrats who allegedly could trace their ancestry back to mythical origins and the first Senate established by Romulus . The Plebeians, on the other hand, were the common folk. Initially, only Patricians were eligible for public office and the classes were forbidden from intermarriage.

What was the system of law that developed under the Roman republic and applied to citizens?

The Twelve Tablets of awesomeness

Related questions

What were the two main groups of the Roman republic?

Rome had many classes of people and none of them could be considered the main "group". You could loosely say that the two main groups of the Roman republic were the citizens and the non-citizens. If you are asking about the governmental groups in the senate, they were the populists and the optimates.Rome had many classes of people and none of them could be considered the main "group". You could loosely say that the two main groups of the Roman republic were the citizens and the non-citizens. If you are asking about the governmental groups in the senate, they were the populists and the optimates.Rome had many classes of people and none of them could be considered the main "group". You could loosely say that the two main groups of the Roman republic were the citizens and the non-citizens. If you are asking about the governmental groups in the senate, they were the populists and the optimates.Rome had many classes of people and none of them could be considered the main "group". You could loosely say that the two main groups of the Roman republic were the citizens and the non-citizens. If you are asking about the governmental groups in the senate, they were the populists and the optimates.Rome had many classes of people and none of them could be considered the main "group". You could loosely say that the two main groups of the Roman republic were the citizens and the non-citizens. If you are asking about the governmental groups in the senate, they were the populists and the optimates.Rome had many classes of people and none of them could be considered the main "group". You could loosely say that the two main groups of the Roman republic were the citizens and the non-citizens. If you are asking about the governmental groups in the senate, they were the populists and the optimates.Rome had many classes of people and none of them could be considered the main "group". You could loosely say that the two main groups of the Roman republic were the citizens and the non-citizens. If you are asking about the governmental groups in the senate, they were the populists and the optimates.Rome had many classes of people and none of them could be considered the main "group". You could loosely say that the two main groups of the Roman republic were the citizens and the non-citizens. If you are asking about the governmental groups in the senate, they were the populists and the optimates.Rome had many classes of people and none of them could be considered the main "group". You could loosely say that the two main groups of the Roman republic were the citizens and the non-citizens. If you are asking about the governmental groups in the senate, they were the populists and the optimates.

What wore the two gropsof roman citizens?

The two groups of the original Roman citizens were the patricians and the plebeians. But remember that over time there were other groups of citizens.The two groups of the original Roman citizens were the patricians and the plebeians. But remember that over time there were other groups of citizens.The two groups of the original Roman citizens were the patricians and the plebeians. But remember that over time there were other groups of citizens.The two groups of the original Roman citizens were the patricians and the plebeians. But remember that over time there were other groups of citizens.The two groups of the original Roman citizens were the patricians and the plebeians. But remember that over time there were other groups of citizens.The two groups of the original Roman citizens were the patricians and the plebeians. But remember that over time there were other groups of citizens.The two groups of the original Roman citizens were the patricians and the plebeians. But remember that over time there were other groups of citizens.The two groups of the original Roman citizens were the patricians and the plebeians. But remember that over time there were other groups of citizens.The two groups of the original Roman citizens were the patricians and the plebeians. But remember that over time there were other groups of citizens.

The major power struggles in the early roman republic were between?

The two groups in the early Roman republic that had a major power struggle were the patricians and the plebeians.The two groups in the early Roman republic that had a major power struggle were the patricians and the plebeians.The two groups in the early Roman republic that had a major power struggle were the patricians and the plebeians.The two groups in the early Roman republic that had a major power struggle were the patricians and the plebeians.The two groups in the early Roman republic that had a major power struggle were the patricians and the plebeians.The two groups in the early Roman republic that had a major power struggle were the patricians and the plebeians.The two groups in the early Roman republic that had a major power struggle were the patricians and the plebeians.The two groups in the early Roman republic that had a major power struggle were the patricians and the plebeians.The two groups in the early Roman republic that had a major power struggle were the patricians and the plebeians.

What were the parts of the Roman Republic?

The Roman republic consisted of the senate and the Roman people. SPQR.

What helped the unite the many different citizens of the roman republic?

The luxury of the Roman Empire.... :)

What help unite the many different citizens of the Roman Republic?

The luxury of the Roman Empire.... :)

When rome was a republic who was allowed to vote?

Only male Roman citizens of the first class were allowed to vote in the Roman republic.Only male Roman citizens of the first class were allowed to vote in the Roman republic.Only male Roman citizens of the first class were allowed to vote in the Roman republic.Only male Roman citizens of the first class were allowed to vote in the Roman republic.Only male Roman citizens of the first class were allowed to vote in the Roman republic.Only male Roman citizens of the first class were allowed to vote in the Roman republic.Only male Roman citizens of the first class were allowed to vote in the Roman republic.Only male Roman citizens of the first class were allowed to vote in the Roman republic.Only male Roman citizens of the first class were allowed to vote in the Roman republic.

How were citizens of rome involved in the political process?

In the Roman Republic, the citizens of Rome elected the Roman Consuls and thus controlled their own government. In the early Roman Empire, the forms of the Republic were often retained but not the reality of citizen control.

In the Roman Republic laws were made?

Those enacted by the assemblies of the citizens.

How was the government of roman republic different from the government of the Roman Empire?

The Republic had citizens assemblies which voted on issues put by the senate. The Empire had the Princeps and Senate who governed in coalition without any direct input from the citizens.

What are some characteristics of the law of roman republic during this period?

1.the roman republic had a legisletura that included a senate and two assemblies. 2.all citizens were not equalin the roman republic. 3.another idea firmly established in the roman republic was the rule of law.

How did the roman government use denocracy?

During the republic, the Roman magistrates were all chosen by popular election. Citizens voted according to their tribal affiliations and according to their wealth status.During the republic, the Roman magistrates were all chosen by popular election. Citizens voted according to their tribal affiliations and according to their wealth status.During the republic, the Roman magistrates were all chosen by popular election. Citizens voted according to their tribal affiliations and according to their wealth status.During the republic, the Roman magistrates were all chosen by popular election. Citizens voted according to their tribal affiliations and according to their wealth status.During the republic, the Roman magistrates were all chosen by popular election. Citizens voted according to their tribal affiliations and according to their wealth status.During the republic, the Roman magistrates were all chosen by popular election. Citizens voted according to their tribal affiliations and according to their wealth status.During the republic, the Roman magistrates were all chosen by popular election. Citizens voted according to their tribal affiliations and according to their wealth status.During the republic, the Roman magistrates were all chosen by popular election. Citizens voted according to their tribal affiliations and according to their wealth status.During the republic, the Roman magistrates were all chosen by popular election. Citizens voted according to their tribal affiliations and according to their wealth status.