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The commanding generals were for the north Ulysses Grant, for the south Robert E. Lee. Each had several dozen other generals to command units within their armies. See "Related Links" below for complete Orders of Battle of both sides, which will provide you with the names of general officers commanding corps, divisions and brigades in each army.

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Q: Who were the generals in the Battle Of Spotsylvania Court House?
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When did Battle of Spotsylvania Court House happen?

Battle of Spotsylvania Court House happened on 1864-05-08.

Who won the battle of spotsylvania court house?


Who won the battle spotsylvania court house?

Its inconclusive

What has the author Wilfred Emory Cutshaw written?

Wilfred Emory Cutshaw has written: 'The battle near Spotsylvania courthouse on May 18th, 1864' -- subject(s): Spotsylvania Court House, Battle of, Va., 1864

What did the capture of Richmond mean to the north?

This meant that they had got the south's capital. This basically ended the war, except two last short battle at the Battle of Wilderness, and the Battle of Spotsylvania Court House.

Was there a battle plan for the battle of spotsylvania?

Grant's orders to Meade were to march the night of May 7th-8th over two routes, reaching the court house the morning of May 8th.

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Battle of Guilford Court House happened on 1781-03-15.

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What were the four major battles in Grant's Virginia Campaign against Lee?

Battle of the Wilderness (May 5-7, 1864) Battle of Spotsylvania Court House (May 8-21, 1864) Battle of Cold Harbor (May 31 - June 12, 1864) Siege of Petersburg (June 9, 1864 - March 25, 1865)