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The First Settlers Were The French And European

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12y ago

Probably Native Americans.

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bla bla bla bksjfghuistrnhbljkwn

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Q: Who were the first people to settle in the Midwest?
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How were the first settlers in the Midwest?

pioneers were the first settlers to settle on Midwest propertie

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The First Permanent fur traders settlement was in Green Bay

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The MaoriThe Maori were the first people to settle the islands of New Zealand.

Who were the first people to in the Midwest?

Probably Native Americans.

Who used the Erie Canal?

The Erie Canal was used by many thousands of people in New York and immigrants that went on to settle in the Midwest.

Were the Indians the first people to settle in Ontario?

Natives were the first to settle anywhere as far as I know!

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Where did Ireland settle once they got to America?

New York, Boston, the midwest

What is the significance of the Erie Canal?

The significance of the Erie Canal is that it helped settle the Midwest.

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They were the first people after the Canaanites.