i believe they were African slaves that would brought to America
Recife, Brazil
Immigrants to America probably dreamed of freedom of religion and plentiful land
Type your answer here... immigrants
i believe they were African slaves that would brought to America
The immigrants in colonial America were mostly of European ancestry. There were also many slaves of African descent, but they were captured against their will, not really being immigrants in the strictest sense.
African immigrants brought certain types of singing, dancing, and cooking to America. They also brought their religious practices and a sense of community.
The great majority of African-Americans were born in America and therefore are not immigrants. There ancestors were immigrants at some point, however, that is also true of everyone else in the western hemisphere. The human race originated in Africa.
they came in 1849
Recife, Brazil
Immigrants to America probably dreamed of freedom of religion and plentiful land
They weren't forced. In Africa, African Rulers sold African people to "The White Man" In exchange for goods. The Settlers in America then forced to work.
Type your answer here... immigrants
It is a myth that immigrants don't have to pay taxes the first 7 years they are in America. Immigrants that come to America and start businesses still have to pay taxes.
Europe and Africa provided the largest percentage of the first immigrants who came to America.