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Q: Who were the federalists and what kind of government did they want to have?
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What did the the anti- federalists want?

The Anti Federalists did not want a strong central government.

What was something the anti-federalists did not want?

The Anti Federalists did not want a strong central government.

What kind of government is the antifederalist?

The Anti-Federalists were Democratic-Republicans.

What the anti-federalists don't want?

They did not want a strong and dominant federal government.

What were people who want a strong national government called?

Democrats usually favor a stronger centralized government. TOTALITARIANISM(Hitler)

What did federalist want to do?

The Federalists wanted power situated in a strong national government.

Did the Anti-Federalists want a stronger national government?

No. The Anti-Federalists believed in the power of the individual states, which could look out for their own interests, rather than submit to the central government. The Federalists believed that a strong federal government was needed to bind the country together.

Did Anti-federalists not want included in the new form of government?

The Anti-Federalists did not want the President, or the central government, to have as much power as was granted in the Constitution. They also did not want the national court system, as they feared it would intrude on local courts. The Right to own Slaves

What did anti federalists not want including the new form of government?

The Anti-Federalists did not want the President, or the central government, to have as much power as was granted in the Constitution. They also did not want the national court system, as they feared it would intrude on local courts. The Right to own Slaves

Anti-Federalists not want included in the new form of government?

The Anti-Federalists did not want the President, or the central government, to have as much power as was granted in the Constitution. They also did not want the national court system, as they feared it would intrude on local courts. The Right to own Slaves

What did the Federalists want the US Constitution to provide?

strong centralized government that was self functioning

Why did the federalists favor a strong government?

they didnt want a srtong state goverment to take over