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Q: Who were the best soldiers in the Persian Army?
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What was The problem with using Germanic soldiers to fight the invading Persian army's?

The soldiers where only loyal to Rome when paid

How large did the Persian empire get?

as the Persians mass army conquered country after country there was more land and more soldiers willing to fight for the Persian empire it continued to be like that country after country....and that is how the Persian army get large:)

Who were the best soldiers in the army?


What adjectives best describe the Persian army?

Loyal and self disciplined

Why did Darius I create satrapies?

To collect taxes, judge legal cases, manage the police, and recruit soldiers for the Persian army.

Why was the cavalry an important part of Alexanders army?

Alexander's soldiers on horseback, cavalry, were a strong force. They crushed the local Persian forces, leading to the final downfall of the Persian Empire.

What was the Persian strong army of highly trained soldiers called?

ethierTriumphant Ones the Ten Thousand Immortals Warrior Troops the Medes

How could the small Greek city-states defeat the huge Persian Empire?

They banded together as a cohesive force, producing a combined navy which outmanoeuvred and defeated the Persian navy; and then without the threat of naval attacks on their cities, they were able so send out their armies to combine and defeat the Persian army. The Persian army was also weakened as, after losing the ability of their navy to protect their resupply fleet coming from Asia, they then had to send half their army home as they could not feed it, and this evened up the size of the opposing armies. And the Greek army had armoured warriors which outclassed the unarmoured soldiers of the Persian army. It all hung on the elimination of the Persian fleet at Salamis.

What strong army did Alexander defeat?

Alexander the Great defeated the Persian empire

What is a group of soldiers called?

An army of soldiers or a troop of soldiers or a platoon of soldiers.

What did the woman do in the Persian War?

They either stayed at home running the family farms while the men were away in the army or navy, or, if they accompanied the armies, were servants and prostitutes.

Is Army MP better than Marine MP?

hell no the army is fine but the soldiers in the army compare nothing to the best out their the marines no matter what the mos is.