The Zealots were an extremist Jewish sect that existed during the first century CE. They were opposed to the traditional power group headed by Ananus and insisted that the high priest be chosen by lot from a list of ordinary people. During the Jewish War of 66-70 CE, they were considered particularly tyranical and, even while under external attack by the Romans, civil war continued within Jerusalem between the Zealots and its opponents.
Which Zealots do you have in mind?
The Zealots (see the Talmud, Gittin 56a).
It was the Zealots
The Zealots were a party among the Jews (so called from their zeal for the law) who were determined to resist Roman or any foreign authority in Palestine.
They were freedom fighters eager to use violence to solve their problems. Read The Bible.
Which Zealots do you have in mind?
Wisdom is referred to as a she in the Bible because it refers to the population of a nation and can multiply.
Griffins are never referred to in the Bible .
how many times is the devil referred to by his various names in the bible?
AnswerThis event occurred in the year 70, in the Christian Era, and is not recorded in the New Testament, which is essentially about Christianity. The preceding civil war within the walls of Jerusalem, as the Romans attacked from outside is referred to in Mark chapter 13.
The Zealots called for the violent overthrow of Roman rule.
In the bible Jesus is referred to as the lamb of god.