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Defending South Vietnam against Communist aggression from North Vietnam.

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Q: Who were the US trying to help in Vietnam and why?
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Why us want Vietnam?

The US was trying to preserve the Republic of South Vietnam; an effort that failed.

Why was the US was in Korea and Vietnam?

Trying to stop communist aggression.

Why did the US offer help to south Vietnam in 1961?

The US offered to help south Vietnam in 1961 to help Vietnam preserve its independence from the North. It was during the Cold War, and the US was fighting Communist Russia across the world.

Where you trying to help the V Vietnam vets after they returned?

The government helped.

What was the principal causes for us involvement in Vietnam?

The US got involved in the Vietnam was because they were trying to sweep out communism across the globe. In the war, the US supported South Vietnam because they were fighting against communist North Vietnam.

How does N Vietnam Defends S Vietnam?

N. Vietnam was ATTACKING S. Vietnam. South Vietnam was defending itself with the help of the US/Allies.

What has the US done to help Vietnam veterans?

US Veterans Affairs.

What were the Vietnamese feuding over?

Communist North Vietnam, with help from the Chinese, was trying to take over democratically controlled South Vietnam.

Who invited the us to help in the Vietnam war?

No one

Why did US forces invade Vietnam?

The US didn't invade South Vietnam. The Republic of South Vietnam asked for US help as they couldn't stem the Red Tide (communist infiltration).

What side did the Us help in the Vietnam war?

?........the Vietnam war was a war between north and south Vietnam and America. America was trying to defend south Vietnam from the north invading and controling their territory. so America was on the side with south Vietnam

What was the us trying to stop the spread of when they enter the war im Vietnam?

The US had hoped to stop the spread of Communism .