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The Germanic peoples were people who spoke Germanic. This is a linguistic group which now comprises German, Dutch, Danish, Swedish, Norwegian and English. Therefore, these peoples were the ancestors of the people who now speak these languages. They lived in Scandinavia, Holland north of the River Rhine and central Europe. There were migrations into Bohemia (Check Republic) Hungary and parts of Poland. The Visigoths (Goths of the west) Ostrogoths (Goths of the east) migrated from Scandinavia to Poland and then Ukraine. The Visigoths asked the Romans for permission to settle in the lower-Danube area their Empire to escape the invasion Eastern Europe by the Huns and were granted this by the emperor Valens in 376). The Ostrogoth fell under the yoke of the Huns. Some Ostrogoths and Huns invaded an area in the mid-Danube part of the Roman Empire. The emperor Gratian gave permission to stay as allies in 380 and they defended this area form invasions. The rest of the Ostrogoths were allowed to join them after they crushed, together with the Gepids, the Hunnic Empire. The Franks who lived at the mouth of the River Rhine were allowed to settle in Toxandria (Holland south of the Rhine and parts of northern Belgium).

The Vandals, Sueves, Burgundians and Alemanni conquered part of the western pert of the Roman Empire. The Alans, who were Iranian-speakers, also invaded. The Angles, Saxons, Jutes and Frisians migrated to England in waves and took it over.

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11mo ago

The Germanic tribes were various ethnic groups that lived in what is now Germany and surrounding regions during Roman times. Some of the well-known tribes include the Goths, Vandals, Saxons, Franks, and Lombards. They often interacted with the Roman Empire through trade, alliances, and conflicts, eventually playing a significant role in its decline and fall.

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Q: Who were the Germanic tribes in the roman history?
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