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Q: Who were the Byzantines conquered by?
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What territorial losses did the Byzantines suffer to the Muslims?

The entire Byzantine Empire was conquered by Muslims at different points. The Rightly-Guided Caliphate and the Umayyad Caliphate conquered all of the Levant and North African areas under Byzantine control as well as southeast Anatolia. The Seljuk Turks conquered most of the rest of Anatolia. The Ottoman Turks conquered all of the remaining Byzantine territories (mostly the Balkans and Constantinople).

Did byzantines have priests?


What did people of the byzantine empire call themselves?

The Byzantines or the eastern citizens of the Roman empire considered themselves Roman.The Byzantines or the eastern citizens of the Roman empire considered themselves Roman.The Byzantines or the eastern citizens of the Roman empire considered themselves Roman.The Byzantines or the eastern citizens of the Roman empire considered themselves Roman.The Byzantines or the eastern citizens of the Roman empire considered themselves Roman.The Byzantines or the eastern citizens of the Roman empire considered themselves Roman.The Byzantines or the eastern citizens of the Roman empire considered themselves Roman.The Byzantines or the eastern citizens of the Roman empire considered themselves Roman.The Byzantines or the eastern citizens of the Roman empire considered themselves Roman.

What role did the Christian church play in the byzantine empire?

The Byzantines were the buffer between the West and the East. During the Middle Ages, when the Arabs conquered the Holy Land -- it was the Byzantine Emperor who asked Pope Urban II for help. Urban II started the Crusades in response.

Why did the Byzantines hate the Turks?

There are two major reasons that the Byzantines hated the Turks and they are both fairly straightforward. 1) Land: The Byzantine Empire was based in Anatolia and extended into the Levant, Mesopotamia, North Africa, and the Balkans. The Turkish Empires like the Seljuqs and the Ottomans conquered this territory and similarly established Anatolia as their base of operations. When any two different ethnic groups want to control the same piece of land, it breeds conflict 2) Religion: The Byzantines considered Constantinople to be the most important seed of Orthodox Christianity and the Byzantine Empire was the defender of the Christian Faith in the Middle East. The Turks were Muslim and there was much religious hatred on both sides. The difference between the Turks and the Byzantines was that the Turks begrudgingly allowed Christians to live in their empire as long as they paid humiliating taxes whereas the Byzantines refused to let Muslims contaminate (in their view) their country and despoil the religious purity.

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Who conquered Palestine in the seventh century?

Palestine was conquered three times in the Seventh Century. At the beginning of the century, it was controlled by the Byzantine Empre. It was then conquered by the Sassanian Empire. The Sassanian Empire lost Palestine to the Byzantines around a decade later. The Muslim Arabs conquered Palestine from the Byzantines around a decade after that.

What group finally conquered Byzantines empire?

The Ottoman Turks in 1453 AD.

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Was erzurum Armenian city?

No. Erzurum was taken from the Byzantines by the Seljuks in 1071. The Byzantines had conquered the city roughly 800 years prior to the Seljuk conquest. The City has had a Turkish majority for roughly 800 years and continues to do so today. The name of the city is from Arabic and means City of the Romans (arz u Rum). The Romans (Byzantines) used to call the city Theodosiopolis.

Most byzantines were of what religion?

The Byzantines followed the Orthodox branch of Christianity.

What territorial losses did the Byzantines suffer to the Muslims?

The entire Byzantine Empire was conquered by Muslims at different points. The Rightly-Guided Caliphate and the Umayyad Caliphate conquered all of the Levant and North African areas under Byzantine control as well as southeast Anatolia. The Seljuk Turks conquered most of the rest of Anatolia. The Ottoman Turks conquered all of the remaining Byzantine territories (mostly the Balkans and Constantinople).

Who discovered or conquered Romania?

1. Romania was not discovered. 2. During the history the Romanian territory was conquered or only attacked by Romans, Byzantines, Goths, Slavish tribes, Bulgarians, Mongols, Tatars, Hungarians, Germans, Austrians, Cumans, Pechenegs, Ukrainians, Polish etc. Do you see, it is a very difficult history.

What is the role of byzantines?

The Byzantines were people of the Byzantine Empire, which was called the Roman Empire during the Middle Ages. The reason it is called Byzantine is to distinguish it from the ancient Roman Empire, the Carolingian Empire, and the Holy Roman Empire, all of which were called the Roman Empire by at least someone. The Byzantines provided a center of learning, government, and trade through the Middle Ages, until they were conquered by the Ottoman Turks, an event many call the end of the Middle Ages. There is a link below to an article on the Byzantine Empire.

Byzantines believed that their emperor?

Byzantines believed that their emperor should represented Jesus Christ on Earth.

How did the byzantines have succsess?

Byzantines succeeded in region. He made the 6th Grade Science study guide.

How did the Muslim policy of ruling conquered people's with that of the Byzantines and the Persian?

Muslim policy of ruling was not aiming at having more power or more resouces on gaining lands and controlling more people; as other empires of the Byzantines or Persians, or others in ancient and modern history. Muslim policy was only to bring justice, free people will to select by their own free will the faith they are convinced in, and to spread justice.

Did byzantines have priests?
