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In the beginning (1914) the Allied powers were:

1.Great Britain



4.Belgium (Belgium fought alongside the allies, but they remained neutral. King Albert did not what to leave Belgium to become fully allied because then the Belgian army should have participated in the big battles of the French and Great Britain)


In 1917:

6. The US joined. but the United States didn't join until the Zimmerman Telegram was sent; which was a telegram from the Foreign Secretary of the German Empire, Arthur Zimmerman, to Mexico stating that if the U.S. was to announce war on them, that Mexico was to declare war on them so as to distract the U.S. and hopefully stop the United States from joining WWI. The telegram was intercepted by Great Britain and publicly announced in the U.S. which caused the United States to enter WWI. The United States was also upset with the sinking of the British passenger ship (which really contained some war-ready materials, but that's a different story) the Lusitania. The ship was shot down by German submarines. This act angered the United States to become involved with the war. In addition, the United States wanted to make sure that all the money and resources they sent to Britain and France to be repaid.

These are the ones that you would normally learn about:



3.United States



The Allied Forces or Triple Entente were Great Britain, France and Russia. The Triple Alliance was made up of Germany, Austria-Hungary and Italy. In the middle of the war, Italy switched sides.

Here is a list of other Allies:








New Zealand*



South Africa*

* Countries were not independent at the time of World War 1, but were instead part of the British Empire and were given no option to join the cause or not.
The Allied forces consisted of several European countries, as well as the inclusion of North America. The most prominent and most told of would be France, Britain, Russia and the United States. However, many more were included in the Allied powers, Japan for example was indeed part of the Allies in World War I. Others: Greece, Romania, Serbia, Belgium, Portugal, and Montenegro all fought against the central powers.
Wrong - it looks as though the original answers relate to WWII, not WWI., especially with the reference to France in 1940.

'Russia' not Soviet Union. S U did not exist until after WWI

Not Saudi Arabia - did not exist in WWI

Not Iran - was Persia until 1935.

Not Yugoslavia - was in provinces as part of Austria Hungary until after WWI.

Not Poland - was part of Russia until after WWI.

Ditto many others, including Palestine, whic was part of Turkish Empire.

Answer:The Allied Powers during World War I were the British Empire, France, and the Russian Empire. Many other countries later joined the Entente side in the war: Belgium, Serbia, Italy, Japan, Greece, Romania, Portugal and the United States,
in world war 1 the main allies where The British empire, France, Russia and later the United states.
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15y ago

United States President - Woodrow Wilson French Prime Minister - Georges Clemenceau British Prime Minister - David Lloyd George Italian Prime Minister - Vittorio Orlando Together they were known as the Big Four, even though Orlando left the negotiations and later returned only to sign.

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12y ago

You want all of the names of all of the members of all of the allied powers?

You realise that's over 500 million people?

... or do you just want the names of the countries?

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13y ago

the usa Britain and soviot union

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