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Jeanne Becu, Comtess du Barry.

Citizen Capet, alias Louis XVI.

Widow Capet, alias Queen Marie Antoinette.

Princess Elisabeth of France, sister of Citizen Capet.

Antoine Lavoisier, the Father of Chemistry.

Collenot d'Angremont, of the National Guard and first political prisoner executed.

Arnaud II de La Porte, Minister of the Marine.

Georges Danton.

Maximilien Robespierre.

Augustin Robespierre.

Louis Saint Just.

Georges Couthon.

Francois Hanriot.

Nicolas Jacques Pelletier, Highwayman and the first to die by guillotine.

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Q: Who were ten people who were executed by guillotine in the French Revolution?
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Related questions

How were people executed during the French Revolution?

They faced the guillotine.They were guillotined, when their heads were chopped off.

What execution method was used most in the french revolution?

The Guillotine was used during the french revolution.The device is noted for long being the main method of execution in France and, more particularly, for its use during the French Revolution, when it "became a part of popular culture, celebrated as the people's avenger by supporters of the Revolution and vilified as the pre-eminent symbol of the Reign of Terror by opponents

What does the rain of terror mean?

The Reign of Terror (5 Sep 1793 – 28 Jul 1794) refers to the French Revolution, and the large number of people who were executed on the guillotine.

How did they kill people during the french revolution?

They were sent to the guillotine where they died "In the Twinkling of an Eye".

What was used to execute people during French Revolution's Reign of terror?

The guillotine.

Where was the location of the guillotine during the french revolution?

the guillotine was used for the execution of Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette outside in the courtyard of the Louvre. Here they were beheaded publicly for all the people of France to see. That is the only place i know of where they executed people in this manner.

What was the machine that was invented to mercifully execute people during the french revolution?

The execution machine invented during the French Revolution is the guillotine.

What did the French use during the French Revolution to cut off people's heads?

They used the guillotine to behead them

Who were the people executed in the French Revolution?

The two people executed were King Luois the thirteenth and Marie Antionette

What instrument used during the French Revolution to behead people is used to cut paper?


What did Robespierre do?

Robespierre brought the Reign of Terror to France opposing anybody who was against the French Revolution. He killed between 16,000-40,000 people but eventually people were afraid of getting their heads cut off so he was arrested and executed by the guillotine.

What people were executed in the french revolution?

Royalists, Aristocrats. The Revolution was followed by the Reign of Terror. People of 'Noble' birth were in fear of their lives. Liberte, Fraternitie & Equalite was taken very literally, unless you were an Aristo on the way to see Madame Guillotine.