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Yad Vashem commemorates gentiles who helpled to save the lives of Jews in the Holocaust and has a detailed list. (Obviously, no such list can be complete). Please see the link. One of the best known is Oskar Schindler, but there were thousands of others, too.

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The Allies saved very few Jews. The only Jews who were liberated from camps were freed only when the camp happened to be noticed by the Allies during their liberation of Europe. There were few if any missions led by the Allied Powers to stop trains to the Death Camps, repatriate Jews in their own countries, or take any other major action to avert the atrocities that occurred.

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America and Great Brittain among many.

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Q: Who were some of the people who helped save Jews in World War 2?
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What was the name given to non Jews who helped save Jews?

Righteous Gentiles: chasidei umos haolam.

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Like with others who helped jews, Rossini didnt liked hitlers ways and how he was treating certain people,so he retalitated and tried to free jews

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eastern europe

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Unlike in the U.S. there were very few black people indeed in Europe at the time.

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The cast of The Day I Helped Save the World - 2012 includes: Gary Mirabelle

When did the U.S plan to save the Jews?

There was no 'plan to save the Jews'. That is one of those widespread misunderstandings about the Holocaust and World War 2. Please see related question.

Who was the man who helped to save tens of thousands of Jews in Hungary in 1944?

Raoul Wallenberg. He issued them with Swedish documents.

Who was a holocaust hero that helped save lives of the Jews besides oskar schindler and raoul wallenberg?

Irena Sendler helped Jewish children during WWII.

What countries helped the Jews during the Holocaust?

Some individuals helped: no country helped as a country.IMPROVE: It is true that no complete country, as one, had completely hid the Jews.However, in countries in Poland, many people helped hide thousands of Jews. The Poles and Polish Jews were allied with each other because they just wanted to protect their homeland and defend their freedom from the Germans that invaded Poland.There are some other country's people that helped. In Bulgaria, they managed to save their entire Jewish population from deportation and shipment to concentration camps.In Albania, the people stood and protected their Jews because they were Muslim, and they believed in their religious morals.

From what did Jesus save the Jews?

Our Blessed Lord came to save everyone from the hell that we deserve on account of our sins. He did not just come for the Jews, but since they were God's chosen people, He started with them, afterall, "salvation is from the Jews."

Who was a man who helped to save tens of thousands of Jews in Hungary in 1944 by creating special passports with the swedish seal granting immunity to those who helped them?

the man who saved tens of thousands of jews was Herman Hollerith.

What efforts were made during World War 2 to save the Jews?
