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John "Black Jack" Pershing was promoted to the rank of General of the Armies, making him not only the highest ranking American General of the war, but the highest ranking American military officer ever, being equivalent to a six star general. He was authorized to design is own rank insignia, but never wore more than four stars.

He replaced British and French generals who previously been conducting the war in France.

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βˆ™ 8y ago
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βˆ™ 14y ago

General John Pershing

Captain Harry S. Truman

Sergeant Alvin C. York

(although the last two are not generals, they still played a major role in the war)

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βˆ™ 12y ago

General John J. Pershing, American Expeditionary Forces (AEF)

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βˆ™ 12y ago

There were a number of them, but probably the most prominent was General Pershing.

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βˆ™ 13y ago

John J. Pershing

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Q: Who were some of the major U.S. generals during World War 1?
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What were some of the major battles for Australia during World War 2?

the battle of the 'Coral Sea' is one of them

Who are some important soldiers from the US during World War 2?

Generals of the Army Douglas MacArthur, Dwight Eisenhower, Omar Bradley; Captain Audie Murphy, Colonel Matt Urban

Who were all generals of the civil war?

There were well over one thousand men who served as brigadier generals or higher during the war, over 600 for the Union and about 425 for the Confederacy.The highest ranking Union general was Ulysses Grant, who was a lieutenant general (three stars). He was the only one in the Union army at this rank. All other Union generals were major generals (two stars) or brigadier generals (one star). George Washington had been a lieutenant general in the Revolution and out of reverence for his memory the Union army believed that no one should have the same rank as Washington. This caused problems as some men promoted early in the war to major general (two stars) did not work out to be good commanders, but there they were with seniority over all later-appointed major generals. For this reason Grant was finally made a three star in March, 1864, so he would clearly outrank all other Union generals.The Confederacy had no problems with raising officers to three star and four star rank. There were eight full generals (four stars) in the Confederate army, in order of seniority Samuel Cooper, Albert Sidney Johnston, Robert E. Lee, Joseph E. Johnston, Pierre G. T. Beauregard, Braxton Bragg, Edmund Kirby Smith and John Bell Hood. There were over thirty three star Confederate generals.

What were some foreign affairs during Franklin Roosevelts terms?

The major foreign affair in FDR's administration was the World War II- both keeping the US out of it , getting into it and fighting it once we were in it.

Which Roman General gained control of Rome's government?

There were several generals who gained control of the government. Here are some: Marius, Sulla, Pompey, Crassus, Caesar, Octavian.There were several generals who gained control of the government. Here are some: Marius, Sulla, Pompey, Crassus, Caesar, Octavian.There were several generals who gained control of the government. Here are some: Marius, Sulla, Pompey, Crassus, Caesar, Octavian.There were several generals who gained control of the government. Here are some: Marius, Sulla, Pompey, Crassus, Caesar, Octavian.There were several generals who gained control of the government. Here are some: Marius, Sulla, Pompey, Crassus, Caesar, Octavian.There were several generals who gained control of the government. Here are some: Marius, Sulla, Pompey, Crassus, Caesar, Octavian.There were several generals who gained control of the government. Here are some: Marius, Sulla, Pompey, Crassus, Caesar, Octavian.There were several generals who gained control of the government. Here are some: Marius, Sulla, Pompey, Crassus, Caesar, Octavian.There were several generals who gained control of the government. Here are some: Marius, Sulla, Pompey, Crassus, Caesar, Octavian.

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Who were some famous US Generals during World War 2?

Patton, Eisenhower,

Who is some Famous generals for fort Sumter on the union side?

No Generals. Just a Major (Anderson) commanding the garrison on the island of Fort Sumter.

What were some major technological advances during the World War 2?

Jeromy Petscae

What were some of the major battles for Australia during World War 2?

the battle of the 'Coral Sea' is one of them

What were the generals name of the south during the civil war?

He was William Tecumseh Sherman.Answer:There were numerous generals in both the Northern and Southern armies during the American Civil War (See Link). As the North eventually carried the war to the South there could even be said to be Northern generals in the South at some periods.

What was Abraham Lincoln importance during the US Civil War?

President Lincoln was a major participant in planning the Union's goal of ending the Southern rebellion. He set goals and appointed the top generals. He was a major force in keeping the North opposed to the Confederacy. Some historians believe, however, that Lincoln was overly involved. He sometimes disrupted the normal chain of command which created a certain mistrust among his generals.

Who are some important soldiers from the US during World War 2?

Generals of the Army Douglas MacArthur, Dwight Eisenhower, Omar Bradley; Captain Audie Murphy, Colonel Matt Urban

Who were some generals in the union army?

The following are the names of some Union generals: Major General George B. McClellan, one time commander of the Army of the Potomac. Major General William S. Rosecrans, once leader of the Army of the Cumberland. Major General Don Carlos Buell, a commander of the Army of the Ohio. Lieutenant General Ulysses S. Grant, once the leader of the Army of the Tennessee, and finally the General in Chief of all Federal armies. This is only a partial list of the most familiar names that led the Union to ultimate victory, and there were many more generals in the service of the United States during the war.

What was the highest rank someone could be to be able to be in combat?

normaly i think the highest rank available is to get the rank of MAJOR during battles . higher ranks are to get them during studies on militairy academies such like on West Point in the states(colonels and generals and in some cases majors as well)

What is the history of the rank of sergeant major general in the military?

All information gleaned from the following website: Originally the King was the ultimate commander in times of war. He appointed Captains to run the wars. They were termed " Captain Generals" to denoted their rank of head of the war effort in an overall or "general" sphere of operations. If the Captain Generals had too much on their plate, they appoint assistants or Lieutenants. They took the name Lieutenant Generals. The suppley and administration of small units were usually done by the Sergeant Major, sooo when the Captain General needed some good admin guys he appointed men as Sergeant Major Generals. Colonels ran Regiments. When there were too many Regiments for the existing Generals to have effective control , they created Brigades who were then commanded by Brigadiers General. Over the years as the scope and specifics of the various duties changed, the prefixes were many times dropped, so we had Generals, Lieutenant Generals Major Generals and Brigadier Generals.

How old were Generals in World War 2?

James Gavin , Co of the 82 Airborne was only 36 when promoted General, some British tank commander generals may have been younger. most generals were in their 40's or even 50's.

What were some major campaigns during World War 2?

For the US everything besides Europe and the Pacific was a sideshow, the defeat of Germany and Japan was the goal.