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Q: Who were some of the important women in the Korean War?
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Did women fight in the Korean war?

There were no women who fought in the Korean War. Women were given non combative positions such as nurses and supply clerks.

What does the Korean War Memorial look like?

the korean war memorial is a statue of a korean man with a shord

How many women died in the Korean war?

During the Korean war there were seventeen military nurses who died during the conflict mostly from airplane crashes .

Why was the Yalu River an important geographical and political feature during the Korean War?

The Yalu River was important during the Korean War because it was the border for the Chinese mainland.

What are some languages the Koran war used?

well i know its Korean because it is the Korean war

Who were some historical people in the Korean war?

the people important were gen. Douglass MacArthur and that's pretty much it

Why Korean war is important in Canadian history?

because it was a peace keeping and liberation war

What did Australia do in the Korean war?

During the Korean War (1950 -1953) Australia responded by immediately offering military assistance. Some 17,000 Australians served in the Korean war.

What were some of the reasons why the Korean war was important?

It set up the demilitarized zone or the DMZ and eventually led to China not being communist.

What important events happened during the Cold War between 1952 to 1953?

The Korean war

What are some famous things that begin with the letter K?

kierra,kangaroo,kringle,kickball,kids,ect. kierra,kangaroo,kringle,kickball,kids,ect.

What were important cities in the Korean War?

It was basically North and South Korea that's it