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JACOB RIIS - photographer, exposed bad working and living conditions.

IDA TARBELL - journalist, exposed the corruption of the Standard Oil Company.

UPTON SINCLAIR - author, exposed the meat packing industry.

Lincoln STEFFENS - journalist, exposed political and government corruption.


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Q: Who were some of muckrakers during the Progressive Era and what did each try to do?
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Why was the name muckrakers given to some members of the press and others during the progressive era?

People said they "raked the dirt" or "muck" and exposed it to the public.

What were some problems during the progressive era?

The Government was changed. New people were elected into the office during the progressive era. Things were getting better and people were smarter. They elected new people as the government. Then Tauris Moton Was elected President from 1927-2010

What were some contributions of labor reforms during the progressive era?

labor unions were workers on strike during the progressive era demanding better working conditions & shorter working hours.

What are some examples of the power of muckrakers of the late nineteenth century?

identify at least three examples of the power of the muckrakers of the late nineteen and early twentieth centuries

Who were some of the progressive era leaders?

Some of the leaders during the Progressive Era were people like Teddy Roosevelt, Susan B. Anthony, and Woodrow Willson. The Progressive Era was a time when there was much progress with social issues and an attempt to end corruption in government.

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military build-up

What were some of the issue that moral reformers addressed during the progressive era?

alcohol suffrage poverty

What are some major events and develpopments during the progressive movement?

The major events and developments during the progressive movement were leading intellectuals and social reformers in the US. It brought the industrial revolution and growth of modern capitalism in America.

What following sets of people were muckrakers at the end of the nineteenth century?

Some notable muckrakers at the end of the nineteenth century included journalists like Ida Tarbell, Lincoln Steffens, and Upton Sinclair. They exposed corruption and societal injustices through their investigative reporting, sparking public awareness and contributing to the Progressive Era reforms.

Who benefited from muckrakers?

pritty much every body did but some workers and children didnt

Why do you think some people were angry about the muckrakers' activities?

because they asked other people to do their homework.

How did the muckrakers try to get their points across?

The old adage about that is "If you fling enough mud some will stick"