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Q: Who were put to death by the Romans for being Christians?
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Why did the Romans target Jesus for execution?

There is no evidence that the Romans wanted to do this. Jesus was not a political but a religious leader. He stated to Pilate, 'my kingdom is not of this world.' Pilate however gave in to the pressure put upon him by the Jews and gave the order for his execution, despite the fact that Pilate admitted Jesus was innocent.

How were people punished for stealing in Hammurabi's time?

people were punished by getting their hand chopped off or by being put to death

Was arete a Roman ideal?

No, arete was a Greek notion. Romans did however put a great deal of importance on being honorable and keeping their word (fides).

How are the witches put to death during the Salem witch trial?

a witch was put to death by being burned at the stake. They would bind them to a pole or stake and set them onfire releasing the evil demon inside.

How did Romans kill christians?

The Romans were a very talented, innovative and intelligent society that was responsible for all kinds of inventions (from central heating to democracy, from excellent road building to fast food!). However, they were also unbelievably cruel and regarded death in many ways a sport or entertainment. There were many ways in which Christians were put to death. There are, of course, many records of crucifixion as the cruellest and most painful means of execution that was not only used for Christians but for any non-Roman who transgressed. Romans used it for Christians as a cruel parody of their Lord's own crucifixion thus introducing an element of mockery as well as a shameful and an agonising death. In addition to this, many Christians were sent to the arena either to fight highly trained gladiators, or to fight wild animals such as lions. Obviously, the unarmed (or very lightly armed) Christians came off the worst and were killed and often partially eaten by the lions who were starved beforehand to make them more likely to attack. Spectacles like this were regarded as entertainment by the bloodthirsty Roman public. There is also evidence that the Emperor Nero, as a special event for his birthday, ordered many hundreds of Christians to be covered in tar (pitch), crucified, and burned before they died, the pitch turning them into long-lasting human torches. They were then used to light up his palace gardens as outdoor lighting for his birthday party. Finally, if a Christian was also a Roman citizen (such as the case of St Paul), he or she was frequently given mercy in the form of a swift death by beheading by sword. However, these 'mercy killings' were few and far between as they did not create such a macabre and gory spectacle and thus were not deened 'entertaining' by a bloodthirsty society such as the Romans were.

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In Christianity, there are some famous martyrs, some examples are: Jesus, John the Baptist, Saint Valentine, who was put to death by the Romans for secretly wedding Christians back when Christians were being condemned by the Roman Empire.

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When Christians made him a real being from a title.

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The term 'Executed' means being put to death, particularly by the State in carrying out a lawful sentence.

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He wasn't. No one is mentioned as being put to death. Timothy was stoned to death 15 or so years later.

Christians and the State Romans 13: 1-7?

Romans 13:1-7 represents the most comprehensive teaching in the New Testament with respect to the relationship between the Christian and the state. It was written by the Apostle Paul for Christians living in under Rome under the tyranny of Nero Caesar. He put it this way:

How many Christians did Nero kill?

Nero put to death his brother, wife and mother plus a great many of the aristocrats in the widespread plot of Piso. But remember he had a reason for these acts. He also put many Christians to death as they were accused and found guilty of arson.

Will the Catholic Church kill Christians?

I don't believe they put anyone to death (at least officially) anymore.AnswerIt is prophesied that in the future they will.

Was Boudicca right to start a revolt?

In my opinion, probably not. By doing so, her tribe was basically killed off.--------Yes she was right to start a revolt. You see, after the death of her husband, the Romans beat her and raped her daughters.All of the Britons were being treated unfairly and so Boudicca wanted to put an end to the tyranny of the Romans.

Why did the Romans persecute the Jews more the Christians?

It is not clear that the Romans persecuted Jews more than Christians. Under some emperors, Christians were heavily persecuted, under others, Jews. During the great Jewish revolts that started in the years 68 and 132, Roman persecution of the Jews was intense. The emperor Hadrian, who put down the second revolt, probably killed half a million Jews in the process. Nero, on the other hand, seems to have really disliked Christians.

How did Galileo escape being put to death?

he bit there hand

Who ruled rome when jesus died?

When Jesus was put to death , the rulers of the land were the Romans.

God wants Christians to put off the what which was under the power of sin?

Answer:The "old man." In Romans 6:6, Paul says: "Knowing this, that our old man is crucified with him(Jesus)..."