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The Soviet Union and Polish forces. The other allies were allowing the Russians to take the city for themselves, and so didn't participate in the battle.

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Q: Who were on the allies side of the Battle of Berlin?
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Who did Germany Surrender to in world war 2?

To the Soviet Union, after the Battle of Berlin.

Who won in the Battle of Berlin axis or allied?

The allies.

How many deaths did each side suffer in the Battle of Berlin?

Germans lost around 95,000 people, Which included 22,000 civilians. Whilst the Allies (mainly Soviets) lost about 75,000 people. That's a total of about 170,000 dead in the Battle of Berlin.

Why did Russian armys treat the allies differntly to the Germans in the Battle of Berlin?

The Russians treated the Allies differently because the Allies were on their side. Both the Allies and the Russians were trying to defeat Germany. In addition, Russia had a score to settle with Germany because of Germany's invasion of Russia.

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Did Berlin join the Allies side in World War 2?

I'm in Y5 but I do yr 7 work so: yes, berlin did join the Allies in WW2 in 1941

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The Battle of Stalingrad was the last OFFENSIVE battle for Nazi Germany, it resulted in a German army divsion being cut off to the rest of it's army by the allies and thus losing the battle, The invasion of Berlin by the allies was the final conflict that resulted in Hitler committing suicide when they were outside the city.

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put in order berlin, invasion of italy, when allies hit the beaches and battle of stalingrad

Who won the battle of Berlin?

There were 3 countries which were involved with the Battle of Berlin, 2 were allied countries and 1 were axis. For the allies it was mostly Soviets but Poland did help with adding 200,000 soldiers. For the Axis, it was obviously Nazi Germany.

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allies, shortly after WWII Russia took over east Berlin and started the cold war with the us

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Patton was , of course , on the side of the Allies .