

Best Answer
  • Anderson, Joseph Reid, (1813-1892), Brigadier General, owned Tredegar Iron Works
  • Armistead, Lewis Addison, Brigadier General
  • Barton, Seth M., Brigadier General, Commanding, Barton's Brigade
  • Beall, William N.R., (1825-1883), Brigadier General
  • Beauregard, Pierre G.T., (1818-1893), General, commanded firing on Fort Sumter
  • Benavides, Santos, (1823-1891), Colonel (Texas)
  • Benning, Henry L., (1814-1875), Brigadier General
  • Bonham, Milledge Luke, (1813-1890), Brigadier General and Governor of South Carolina
  • Borland, Solon, (1808-1864), Brigadier General
  • Bragg, Braxton, (1817-1871), Lieutenant General
  • Breckinridge, John C., (1821-1875), Major General
  • Buckner, Simon Bolivar, (1823-1914), Major General, Commanding, Army of East Tennessee
  • Cabell, William L., (1827-1911), Brigadier General
  • Chalmers, James R., (1831-1898), Brigadier General
  • Churchill, Thomas J., (1824-1905), Major General
  • Clark, John Bullock Sr., Brigadier General, Commanding, 3rd Division, Missouri State Guard
  • Clark, John Bullock Jr., Brigadier General
  • Cleburne, Patrick R., (1828-1864), Major General
  • Cockrell, Francis Brigadier General, later a United States Senator
  • Cooper, Douglas H., (1815-1879), Brigadier General
  • Dahlgren, Charles G, (1811-1888), Brigadier General, Commander of the 3rd Brigade, Army of Mississippi
  • Dockery, Thomas P., (1833-1898), Brigadier General
  • Early, Jubal A., (1816-1894), Lieutenant General
  • Evans, Clement A., (1833-1911), Brigadier General
  • Evans, Nathan G., (1824-1868), Brigadier General
  • Fagan, James F., (1827-1893), Major General
  • Forrest, Nathan Bedford, (1821-1877), Cavalry general
  • Gordon, John B., (1832-1904), Major General, later a U.S. Senator, railroad executive, and Governor of Georgia
  • Govan, Daniel C., (1829-1911), Brigadier General
  • Hanson, Roger W., (1827-1863), Brigadier General, mortally wounded at Murfreesboro, Tennessee
  • Hawthorn, Alexander T., (1825-1899), Brigadier General
  • Hébert, Louis, Colonel, Commanding, 3rd Louisiana Infantry Regiment
  • Hill, Ambrose P., (1825-1865), Lieutenant General
  • Hill, Daniel H., (1821-1889), Major General
  • Hindman, Thomas C., (1828-1868), Major General
  • Hood, John Bell, ((1831 - 1879) Lieutenant General
  • Huger, Benjamin, (1805-1877), Major General
  • Hunton, Eppa, (1822-1908), Brigadier General, later a U.S. Senator from Virginia
  • Imboden, John D., (1823-1895), Brigadier General, Virginia politician
  • Jackson, Thomas J. "Stonewall", (1824-1863), Lieutenant General
  • Johnson, Bushrod R., (1817-1880), Major General
  • Johnston, Albert Sidney, (1803-1862), General, killed at Shiloh
  • Johnston, Joseph E., (1807-1891), Full General
  • Jones, William E., ( -1864), Brigadier General
  • Lane, James H., (1833-1907), Brigadier General
  • Law, Evander M., (1836-1920), Brigadier General
  • Lee, Robert E., (1807-1870), Commander of all Confederate armies
  • Lee, Stephen D., (1833-1908), Lieutenant General, the youngest Confederate with that rank
  • Longstreet, James, (1821-1904), Lieutenant General
  • Mahone, William, (1826-1895), Major General
  • Marmaduke, John S., (1833-1887), Major General
  • Maxey, Samuel Bell, general.
  • McCulloch, Benjamin, Brigadier General, Commanding, McCulloch's Brigade, and Commanding, all Southern Forces at Wilson's Creek
  • McGuire, Hunter, (1835-1900), Brigade surgeon, doctor for Stonewall Jackson
  • McNair, Evander, (1820-1902), Brigadier General
  • McRae, Dandridge, (1829-1899), Brigadier General, Commanding, McRae's Arkansas Infantry Battalion
  • Morgan, John Hunt, Brigadier General, Commanding, 2nd Cavalry Brigade, 3rd Division, Department of East Tennessee
  • Mosby, John S. (1833-1916), Colonel, guerrilla leader
  • Parsons, Mosby M., Brigadier General, Commanding, 6th Division, Missouri State Guard
  • Pearce, Nicholas Bartlett, Brigadier General, Commanding, 1st Division, Army of Arkansas, and Commanding, all Arkansas State Forces
  • Pemberton, John C., (1814-1881), Lieutenant General, Commanding, Department of Mississippi and Eastern Louisiana
  • Pender, William Dorsey, (1834-1863), Major General
  • Pickett, George E., (1825-1876), Major General, commander of 'Pickett's Charge'
  • Pike, Albert, (1809-1891), Brigadier General
  • Polk, Leonidas, (1806-1864), Lieutenant General, cousin of U.S. President James K. Polk
  • Price, Sterling, (1809-1867), Major General
  • Rains, James S., Brigadier General, Commanding, 2nd Division, Missouri State Guard
  • Roane, John Selden, (1817-1867), Major General
  • Ruggles, Daniel, (1810-1897), Major General
  • Rust, Albert, (1818-1870), Brigadier General
  • Scurry, William R., (1821-1864), Brigadier General
  • Smith, Edmund Kirby, (1824-1893), General
  • Stevenson, Carter L., Major General, Commanding, 2nd Military District, including Vicksburg, Mississippi
  • Stuart, James E.B., (1833-1864), Major General, cavalry
  • Tappan, James C., (1825-1906), Brigadier General
  • Taylor, Walter H., (1838-1916), Lieutenant Colonel
  • Thomas, William H., Colonel
  • Thompson, M. Jeff, (1826-1876), Brigadier General in the Missouri State Guard
  • Van Dorn, Earl, (1820-1863), Major General, Commanding, Army of the West and Trans-Mississippi District
  • Vaughn, John C., Brigadier General, Commanding, Vaughn's Brigade
  • Walker, Lucius M. "Marsh", (1829-1863), Brigadier General
  • Watie, Stand (1806-9 - 1871) Brigadier General.
  • Wharton, John A., (1828-1865), Major General
  • Wheeler, Joseph, (1813-1892), Major General
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12y ago

A lot kinda Lincoln, Jefferson Davis was the confederate president, Ulysses Grant was a Very good general, Robert E. Lee was good confederate general, Thomas Jackson aka Stonewall Jackson very good confederate general, William Sherman he was a Union General that marched through Georgia, George Meade, J.E.B Stuart, Phillip Sheridan, P.G.T. Beauregard that's just some of them

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Q: Who were major figures civil war?
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Iowa was involved in the Civil War. The Civil war was a major war.

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Look at the casualty figures for each battle. Try Wikipedia's list of Civil War battles.

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The major figures were probably George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Paul Revere. There are more that I probably have not mentioned.

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Antitam was the first major battle in the Civil War.

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You are confusing the Civil War with the Revolution.

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the major crop prior to the civil war was cotton

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Gettysburg, Vicksburg, and Petersburg were all major Union victories in the American Civil War.

How many people was killed in the civil war?

Approximatel 620,000 soldiers were killed during the American Civil War. There are no accurate figures of the number of civilians killed.

What were some of the major battles in the Civil War?

* * * * *

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