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William Travis, Jim Bowie, and, relative newcomer, Davy Crockett-

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Jim Bowie, William Travis, Davy Crockett

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Q: Who were 3 leaders of the Texan leaders who died defending the Alamo?
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How many americans died in the battle of Alamo?

1800 americans died in the battle of Alamo.

How many Texans died in the Alamo?

While it is not known for sure, it is estimated that 185 Texian soldiers died defending the Alamo garrison.

Who was the commander of the Texans who died in the Alamo?

James Bowie and William B. Travis were the two Texan commanders at the Alamo.

Who are Jim Bowie and Davy Crockett?

Men who fought at the Alamo in San Antonio, TX.

What happened to Alamo prisoners?

None were taken alive. Each Texan ( and other Americans too ) fought to the death rather than surrender.

Who was Antonio Fuentes from Battle of the Alamo?

Antonio Fuentes was a Private in Seguin's Cavalry Company who was from San Antonio and who died defending the Alamo.

Why was davy Crockett important'?

Because he was part of the Texas revolution died defending the Alamo had brang more people to the Texas revolution.he also is not selfish because he defended the Alamo.

Is Davy crokett dead?

Yes. He died defending The Alamo against Santa Anna in 1836.

Who congressman from Tennessee was among the final defenders of the Alamo?

Davy Crockett represented Tennessee in the United States House of Representatives. He died in 1836 defending the Alamo.

Santa Ana president of Mexico captured at the Alamo?

No. The Alamo was a siege and battle where many Texan settlers died. Mexican president Santa Anna was captured at the Battle of San Jacinto.

Name three texians leaders who died at the almo?

Many significant Americans died during the Battle of the Alamo. Among these, three "Texian" (Texas-American) leaders who died were the following: Almaraon Dickinson, artilleryman and defender of the Alamo; George C. Kimbell, resident of Gonzales and officer of the garrison of Alamo; ; and William Barrett Travis, commander of the garrison of Alamo.

A Tennessee frontiersman who died at the Alamo was?

Volunteers under the leadership of Colonel Davy Crockett.