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General Norman Schwarzkopf, US Army and Sadam Hussein of Iraq.

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Q: Who we're the main leaders in the Gulf War?
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Who were the major political and military leaders involved in the gulf war?

Which gulf war? There were three.

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world war 1

Which world leaders were involved in the gulf war?

Saddam Hussan of Iraq against Ayatollah Khomeini of Iran.

Could the Persian Gulf war have been prevented?

Any conflict can be avoided, if the leaders want to avoid it.

What if there was not a gulf war?

What if there was never a gulf war

Quotes from the Gulf War?

Which gulf war? There were three of them.

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Which Gulf War?

What was the consequence of Persian gulf war?

The main direct result of the Persian Gulf War of 1990-1991 was that Iraq was expelled from Kuwait and ceased to threaten oil exports from the Persian Gulf.

Who where the main leaders of the 2nd world war?

hitler, mussolini, tito, ike, churchill,

Who are Charles Sumner and Thaddeus Stevens?

The main leaders of the radical republicans.

Why did the u.s. start the gulf war?

Which gulf war? There were 3 of them.

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Which gulf war? There were 3 of them.