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jahangir was the son and successor of akbar.

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Q: Who was the son and successor of akbar?
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Who is the son and successor of Akbar?

The son and successor of Akbar was Jahangir.

Who was Akbar's successor and predecessor?

Emperor Akbar's successor was his eldest son Jahangir (1605-1626). Akbar's predecessor was Humayun (1530-1540 & 1555-1556), his father.

Who was the successor of Akbar the Great?

His eldest son Salim succeeded Akbar after his death in 1605. Salim ascended the throne with the title Jahangir (1605-1627).

Who was the Mughal ruler after Humayun?

Jalal-ud-din Muhammad Akbar (1556-1605), popularly known as Akbar the Great, was the son and successor of Humayun.

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Who is the son of akbar's father?

Akbar's father's son is Akbar (or any brothers Akbar might have.)

What did Akbar do before the Mughal empire?

Akbar was the eldest son and successor of Mughal Emperor Humayun. In 1555, Akbar was made the Governor of Punjab. At the time of Humayun's death in 1556, Akbar was in Punjab along with his tutor and guardian Bairam Khan, in pursuit of Sikandar Suri. Akbar was coronated at the age of 13 and Bairam became his regent.

Who is Jodhaa Akbar's son?

Yes. Jahangir was the son of Akbar the Great from his Hindu wife Jodhaa Bai or Harkha Bai.

Were Humayun and Akbar brothers?

No. Akbar was the son of Humayun.

Who is the eldest son of Akbar?

Prince Salim was the eldest son of Akbar, who succeeded him with the title Jahangir (1605-1627).

Who was the step son of Akbar?

akbar did not fell down from stairs, humayun fell actually. after akbar salim his son ruled calling himself jehangir.

When was Akbar's son born?

In 1564, twins were born to Akbar. They were named Hasan and Husain, but both died in infancy. Jahangir was born to Akbar in 1569. Murad was born in 1570. Akbar's youngest son Daniel was born in 1572.