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Neptune was the ruler of horses and the seas.

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14y ago

The god Neptune was the ruler of horses and the sea.

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He was ruler of horses and the seas?


In earth constellations he was ruler of horses and seas?


What constellation was ruler of horses and the seas?

the answer is Neptune, but he is not be mistaken with Poseidon

What constellation is associated with he was ruler of horses and the seas?

Neptune was the ruler of horses and the sea, but he was not a constellation, he was a god. You may be confused here because one of the planets in our solar system is called Neptune.

Where did horses come from in Greek mythology?

posiedon was the god of the sea and his signature animal was the horse

What was Posedion the ruler of?

He is the ruler of the seas!

Who was ruler of the seas in greek mythology?

Posideon god of the seas

What part of the universe did Poseidon get when split with brothers?

Zeus got the Heavens and Lightning Poseidon got the Seas and Horses Hades Got the Underworld and ruler of the dead

Is Nathan tucker ruler of the seas?

Yes he is captain black tooth ruler of the seas,,, he owns the black tooth ship

Who was the greek god responsible for water?

Poseidon was the ruler of the seas.

The roman god Neptune represented?

The seas and horses.

What gift did Poseidon give to mankind?

The seas and horses.