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The British Prime Minister during the majority of WWII was Winston Churchill. In 1945, though, his party wasn't re-elected so Churchill was replaced by Clement Atlee, who served for the remainder of the war.

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Q: Who was the prime minister who mobilized allied powers against Germany?
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The USSR and Britain were fighting against Germany in 1942

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No. Canada was allied with Britain against Germany.

Who was against Germany in the battle of Dunkirk?

The allied forces were against the German axis

What did Germany do in World War 1?

they went to war with russia because russia mobilized their troops too the German border. and were allied with austria-Hungary.

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Allied and Axis vicories reffer back to WW2. Allied sides were: everyone against Germany and Japan. Axis victory were: Japan and Germany

Who were the allied forces against Germany?

The allied forces were Britain, USA, and USSR for the most part.

What side did the US join in World War 1?

AnswerThe U.S. joined the allied troops, against Germany and their forces.

How many more troops did the Allied Powers have than the Central Powers?

19 million troops. Allied powers had 42 million troops mobilized central powers had 23 million troops mobilized

Which countries were allied against Germany?

great britain, france, and russia.

Who were the three main allied forces in World War 2 who were they fighting against?

The US, USSR, and Great Britain were the "Big Three" and they led the Allied countries against the Axis countries led by Germany, Japan, and Italy. * When the war began it was Great Britain, France, and Poland allied against Germany alone.