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Q: Who was the president who ordered general Zachary Taylor and US troops into Texas before the Mexican war began?
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What name of journal US Army who order bombing Heroshima and Nagasaki?

The bombing was not ordered by a General, but by the US President, Harry Truman.

Where did the Thornton affair take place?

In the disputed territory between the Nueces River and the Rio Grande River, in present-day Texas. The American president (Pres. Polk) had ordered General Zachary Taylor and his force to move south of the Nueces into the disputed zone, and there to build a supply depot at Point Isabel and a fort near the Rio Grande, just across from the Mexican city of Matamoros. The Mexican government demanded that he withdraw from the disputed area and not only did Taylor ignore them he then ordered a naval blockade of the mouth of the Rio Grande intended to cut off the Mexican forces forming up in Matamoros from their supplies. When the Mexican Army finally responded to these acts of aggression by sending a cavalry force into the disputed zone a skirmish developed between an American patrol led by Thornton versus the Mexican cavalry force. About 16 American soldiers were killed and Pres. Polk used this as a pretext to ask Congress for a declaration of war against Mexico, as Polk coveted Mexican California and New Mexico. So you see, the Mexican-American war was entirely provoked and started by the U.S., a war of aggression. In other words the U.S. is the bad guy in this war.

What was the first major decision by general in chief Henry Halleck?

US President Lincoln had promoted General Henry Halleck to be the Union's general in chief. His first major decision was in the Summer of 1862 when he ordered General McClellan to retreat from the Peninsula and return with his army to Washington.

What measures did President Lincoln take as a result of the loss at the First Battle of Bull Run?

Aside from calling on Major General George B. McClellan to come to Washington DC, President Lincoln also did the following:* Ordered the intensification of the blockades;* Had General Benjamin Butler train Union troops in and around Fort Monroe;* Ordered the securing of the port of Baltimore;* Reinforcing troops at Harpers Ferry;* End recruiting of volunteers for the initial three month period of service; and* Ordered troops from Cincinnati to take control of East Tennessee.

What was the importance of Mexican American war?

Mexican-American WarThe Mexican-American War was a war that President Polk wanted. The territory in the Southwest, after the war known as the Mexican Cession, would enable the United States to expand westward. President Polk ordered General Zachary Taylor to take 1,500 US soldiers and cross the Nueces River in Texas and proceed to the Rio Grande. Mexico considered that land as part of Mexico. Mexican troops fired on the Americans in the disputed region in April of 1846. President Polk then declared that war existed between the two nations. Actually, Congress would have to declare war, since only Congress had the constitutional power to declare war. While the war was popular in the United States, there were citizens who criticized Polk's administration for "starting" the war. A politician from Illinois by the name of Abe Lincoln voted against the war. Many in New England opposed the war because they feared the spread of slavery. Some, like Henry David Thoreau, practiced civil disobedience to protest the war.It completed the dream of Manifest Destiny for the US.

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What did President Polk order General Zachary Taylor to cross?

President Polk ordered General Zachary Taylor to cross the Rio Grande and occupy the disputed territory between Texas and Mexico, which ultimately led to the outbreak of the Mexican-American War.

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The Thornton Affair, where American blood was shed when American and Mexican troops attacked each other. The problem is, they fought on a no man's land (the Nueces Strip).

How did Texas change from being part of Mexico to be part of US?

the new president Jame K. Polk promised America all of Texas and it then became a union in 1845. In 1845 President Polk sent an official to Mexico to settle the border dispute between Texas and Mexico at the Rio Grande. He also offered to buy the Mexican territories of California and New Mexico for $30 million . They refused the offer very angrily. Then President Polk ordered Zachary Taylor and his troops to march to and across the Rio Grande . They made it across and captured many Mexican cities.

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Pancho Villa was assassinated in 1923 in retaliation for his opposition to Mexican President Álvaro Obregón. Obregón saw Villa as a threat to his power and ordered his assassination. Villa's death was also seen as a way to eliminate a potential rival in Mexican politics.

What name of journal US Army who order bombing Heroshima and Nagasaki?

The bombing was not ordered by a General, but by the US President, Harry Truman.

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general Douglas MacArthur

President Roosevelt ordered to leave the Philippines and transferred the command of the Allied forces in the Pacific theater to Australia.?

general Douglas MacArthur

What actions by the US in 1846 caused Mexico to state that US troops had committed an act of war?

The US Secretary of War William Marcy ordered General Zachary Taylor to take positions on the banks of the Rio Grande River. Marcy made it clear that these were also the instructions of US president James Knox Polk. Taylor followed these orders and faced Mexican troops on the opposite side of the river. Mexican President Paredes made it clear to Washington DC, that he considered the presence of US troops on the banks of the Rio Grande River to be an act of war. Paredes emphasized his seriousness in the matter by refusing to meet with an US envoy sent to arrange some kind of agreement on the pending issue.

What US president ordered an official investigation of the General Slocum steamboat disaster?

Theodore Roosevelt was the president when this event happened in 1904. I am not sure that he ordered a federal investigation but was one was made and the Captain was convicted of criminal negligence and sentenced to prison. Roosevelt refused to pardon him .

Who did president roosevelt ordered to leave the Philippines and transferred the command of the command of the allied forces in the pacific theater to Australia?

General Douglas MacArthur