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My wife and kids. I bet u some of u dont know I am talkin about.

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Q: Who was the president that was responsible for the trail of tears and the Indian removal act?
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What was the catalyst in the Trail of Tears?

The Catalyst for the Trail of Tears was the Indian Removal Act of 1830, signed by President Andrew Jackson

Who is reponsible for the Trail of Tears?

Andrew Jackson was the first U.S. President to implement removal with the passage of the Indian Removal Act of 1830.

Who forced the relocation of the Indians?

Andrew Jackson proposed the Indian removal act, forcing the Indians the relocate. The relocation is called the Trail of Tears.

Who led the Indian removal act?

Andrew Jackson led the Indian Removal Act. He disliked indian's and therefore he basically wanted them removed from their homes which led to The Trail of Tears. He was also president at the time this was happening.

The trail of tears resulted from president andrew jackson's effort to?

The Trail of Tears resulted from President Andrew Jackson's Indian Removal Policy. It was prompted by the settlers to expand into land belonging to the five tribes.

Which trail was caused by the Indian removal act?

The trail that was caused by the Indian removal act was the Trail of Tears.

President Jackson's Indian policy led to?

The Indian Removal Act was a law passed during the presidency of Andrew Jackson. It lead to the transplantation of several Indian tribes and the Trail of Tears.

What was the name of the Indian removal act?

Trail of Tears.

The Indian removal act and Trail of Tears are examples of?


What is the Trail of Tears?

The Alamo (a fort in Texas) has nothing to do with the Trail of Tears (the Indian removal act).

What is the Alamo Trail of Tears?

The Alamo (a fort in Texas) has nothing to do with the Trail of Tears (the Indian removal act).

The Trail of Tears was the?

Removal of the Indian tribes the Cherokee, Chickasaw, Seminoles, Creek , and Choctaw left for the west due to the Indian removal act.It is named The Trail Of Tears Because many Natives died as being forced through harsh weather . President Andrew Jackson . This all happened around the 1830's.