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Q: Who was the president of angles Saxon?
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Was there ever required to be white Anglo saxon protestant to be president of US?

There has never been a legal requirement to be a white Anglo-Saxon Protestant to be president of the United States, although most of the presidents have been white Anglo-Saxon Protestants. The requirements for a president are found in the Constitution and include age and citizenship requirements.

Presidents who have not been an Anglo-Saxon protestants?

The white, Anglo-Saxon Protestant once held a long ascendency to the office of President of the United States. However, there have now been several United States presidents who were not Anglo-Saxon Protestants. President John F. Kennedy was Catholic. President Barack Obama is bi-racial, Presidents Bill Clinton and Jimmy Carter aren't Anglo-Saxon.

Where does the term Anglo Saxon originate?

It refers to the arrival of the Angles and the Saxons in England in the 5th or 6th century, after the departure of the Romans.

What is Anglo-saxon?

An Anglo-Saxon is a member of one of the Germanic peoples, the Angles, the Saxons, and the Jutes, who settled in Britain in the fifth and sixth centuries. OR it could be a person of English or Anglo-Saxon ancestry.AnswerAnglo-Saxon is a collective term for all the Germanic peoples groups who came to inhabit the former Roman Province of Britannia after the legions withdrew from 410 A.D.of English decent.

What were the three Germanic tribes in Britain around 450 AD through 550 AD?

Among the tribes were Angles, Saxons, Jutes, Franks, Burgundians, Visigoths, Suevi, Ostrogoths, Lombards, and Vandals.

What is President bill Clinton's ethnic background?

His ethnicity is WASP ( White Anglo-Saxon Protestant) .

Who was the first president of England?

Officially it was William of Normandy, but we had many saxon/anglo saxon kings beforehand.

When did the Anglo Saxon arrive in Britain?

A date of roughly 450 AD is widely accepted as the time of the first major influx of Angles and Saxons. Of course they didn't all arrive at the same time. For example, around 400 AD there were enough Saxon settlements in southern Britain that the area was often called "The Saxon Shore".

Why was Anglo saxon literature called so?

Anglo-Saxon literature is named after the Anglo-Saxon or Old English-speaking peoples who inhabited England from the 5th to the 11th centuries. It reflects the culture and language of this period before the Norman Conquest. The term highlights the Germanic influence on Old English language and literature.

What does the term Anglo Saxon refer to?

In the period between the Roman Empire and the Norman Conquest, the British Isles were invaded and settled by two tribes of people from northern Germany. These tribes were the Angles and the Saxons, and the term Anglo-Saxon refers to the language spoken by them upon moving into Britain.

Who conquered Britain between 400 and 700 CE the Celts or Anglo-Saxons?
