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I think it was Lech Wałęsa.

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Q: Who was the president of Poland after the fall of communism?
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Which president was responsible for the fall of communism?

Michael Gorbachev

What did lech walesa become?

Human rights, political fighter, one of the Great Four Polish people who caused autumn of nations - Berlin Wall's fall, fall of communism etc. Wałęsa used to be a president of Poland for in the nineties.

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Is Poland run under communism?

No, since 1989 Poland is no longer run under communism.

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The country that President Eisenhower believed would be the first to fall to communism in Asia was Vietnam.

President Eisenhower’s belief that the fall of one nation to communism would lead to others was?

The Domino Theory

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President Eisenhower, the "Domino Theory".

When did Fall of communism in Albania happen?

Fall of communism in Albania happened on 1991-01-07.

In Poland Who was the movement against communism led by?


What president ended communist rule?

No President is solely responsible for the fall of Communism in any country, it was the desire of the people that ended Communism rule in their country, though a few countries (North Korea, China, and Cuba most notably) still have Communist governments.