The first Pyramids were built by the Egyptians, but across the Atlantic, the Mayas Incas and Aztecs built Pyramids too. They just look a little different.
Computers are not made by accident, they are the most complicated machines ever designed by man. The second most complicated machines ever designed by man is the pipe organ. Both require careful planning from the very start or the machine designed and built will never do anything remotely like what might have been wanted.
yes it is well in ancient times the man died in the pyramid and his soul has stayed there ever since
Man Utd first ever Captain is Harry Stafford (1896/1903)
The pyramid is man made, the Nile is a river and a natural phenomenon.
The first restaurant ever established was believed to be "The Grand Taverne de Londres" in Paris, France, opened in 1766 by a man named Boulanger.
The architect Imhotep built Egypt's first step pyramid, the Pyramid of Djoser, for the Pharaoh Djoser. Imhotep was his vizier.
The first pyramid built was 5,000 years ago and it was a step pyramid in Egypt. It was built for Zoser at Sakkara. It is the oldest man made structure on earth.
Computers are not made by accident, they are the most complicated machines ever designed by man. The second most complicated machines ever designed by man is the pipe organ. Both require careful planning from the very start or the machine designed and built will never do anything remotely like what might have been wanted.
Computers are not made by accident, they are the most complicated machines ever designed by man. The second most complicated machines ever designed by man is the pipe organ. Both require careful planning from the very start or the machine designed and built will never do anything remotely like what might have been wanted.
The step pyramid was designed by the architect Imhotep for the Pharaoh Djoser in ancient Egypt around 2630 BC. Imhotep is considered one of the most important figures in Egyptian history and is often referred to as the world's first architect.
yes it is well in ancient times the man died in the pyramid and his soul has stayed there ever since
Eiffel Tower
A man by the name of Francis Hopkins is recognized by congress to have designed the first flag in 1775 for the navy.
Biblically speaking, the first man to live was Adam.