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Germany. (+Hungary as its territory was reduced to one third of the original one.) But Turkey lost the most territories.

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Q: Who was the least satisfied with the outcome of the Treaty of Versailles?
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What country was the least satisfied with the treaty of Versailles?

Germany was forced to accept the blame for the ear and to pay reparations to all of the Allied powers in proportion to the damage done to them, and with a punitive price added. They were also forced to demobilize their air and land forces and to severely curtail their naval forces, and cede land to the allies, and to demilitarize the Rhineland. The Germans were humiliated, and they war debt led to runaway inflation.

What are the opinions on The Treaty of Versailles?

In recent years, many historians have evaluated the Treaty of Versailles as a thoroughly inadequate attempt at resolving the causes of World War I. The principal criticism focuses on the punitive nature of the treaty: Germany, considered to be the primary cause of the First World War, is held responsible for it, with financial (and other) reparations being demanded as a consequence. On this count and many others, that the Treaty of Versailles led directly to World War II's outbreak is disputed by few historians today.

Who was the treaty of Versailles for?

The Treaty of Versailles was a treaty attended by all victorious nations of the Great War (Except for Russia as they were in the middle of a civil war). It was to sort out what would happen to Germany as they were blamed of starting the Great War. The main contributes (Nicknamed "The Big Three") were French premier Georges Clemenceau of France, British prime minister David Lloyd George of Great Britain, and President Woodrow Wilson of the United States of America.

What was the name of the treaty that ended the First World War?

The Treaty of Versailles ended World War I. The armistice was signed on November 11, 1918. But it took six months of negotiations at the Paris Peace Conference to come up with the necessary document for official closure of the war. The treaty was signed by representatives of Germany and of the Allied Powers.The three main Allied countries were France, the Russian Empire, and the United Kingdom. As the fighting intensified, they were joined by Australia, Belgium, Canada, Greece, Italy, Japan, Romania, Serbia, and the United States. Separate treaties were concluded with the Central Powers that had fought on the side of the German Empire. These countries were the Austro-Hungarian Empire, the Kingdom of Bulgaria, and the Ottoman Empire.The treaty required Germany to accept sole responsibility for the cause of the war. Additionally, Germany was to disarm and lose huge amounts of its territory. There were also reparations to pay in the amount of 132 billion German marks, which equalled 6,600 million British pounds sterling or $31.5 billion dollars in the United States of America.The treaty's signing took place on June 28, 1919. This was exactly five years after the event that led to the beginning of World War I. On that day, in 1914, Archduke Franz Ferdinand [December 18, 1863-June 28, 1914] and Sophie, Duchess of Hohenberg [March 1, 1868-June 28, 1914] were assassinated by Gavrilo Princip [July 25, 1894-April 28, 1918]. Princip was considered a minor who therefore couldn't be executed. Instead, throughout the war, he was subjected to such a harsh imprisonment that he tried to commit suicide at least twice. He also developed tuberculosis, because of which one of his arms was amputated. He weighed no more than 40 kilograms/88 pounds at the time of his death in Theresienstadt, which at the time was in Austrian controlled Bohemia.

How was the treaty of Versailles harsh on Germany?

The treaty of Versailles was threatened on them by their allies, so they had to sign. They lost Alsace and Lorraine, they were forced to pay war reparations, they had to say that they fully caused the war, they had to hand over their war stuff and size down their army to 100,000 men, and had to give up all of their ships that were over 1,600 tons. :0 so, the treaty of Versailles was VERY hard on Germany.

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US involvement was tremendously helpful to the Triple Entente; it is likely that the outcome of the war would have been different had the US not gotten involved, either a victory by the Central Powers, or at least a stalemate, which would have resulted in a very different peace treaty than the Treaty of Versailles. This would have had huge historical consequences of various sorts.

Which part of the peace treaties do you think the Germans liked least?

Reparations - the Treaty of Versailles (after WWI) required the Germans to pay reparations to many countries they were previously at war with

Which was the least nation satisfied with the outcome of the treaty of Versailles?

The Treaty of Versalles not just weakened Germany but humiliated the whole nation. Germany also had to accept the 'war guilt clause1which said taht Germany alone should be blamed for starting a war. In addition they had to pay serious amount of money to the victors as reparations. (Ł6600 million in gold and goods). The other big loser of the war was Hungary. It lost two-thirds of its original territory incluging territories with pure Hungarian citizens and had to pay reparations as well. I consider theirs the biggest loss because Hungary was not in the position of declaring or stopping war as it had been part of the Austro-Hungarian Monarchy. Nevertheless, it was punished severely. If we consider the consequences of the Versailles Treaties, it could be said that Germany was punished too harshly and from that moment on it was preparing for a revenge (->WWII).

What is the name of at least one treaty?

The Treaty of Versaille, which ended World War I

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The least likely outcome of his stage jump would be landing perfectly without any injuries or mishaps.

What country was the least satisfied with the treaty of Versailles?

Germany was forced to accept the blame for the ear and to pay reparations to all of the Allied powers in proportion to the damage done to them, and with a punitive price added. They were also forced to demobilize their air and land forces and to severely curtail their naval forces, and cede land to the allies, and to demilitarize the Rhineland. The Germans were humiliated, and they war debt led to runaway inflation.

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he will become an addict

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The probability level for an outcome is the probability that the outcome was at least as extreme as the one that was observed.

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Waldo did

Cite at least two instances in which negative attitudes that remained after a war hindered the peacekeeping and reconciliation efforts?

Southern Reconstruction led to generations of animosity between Southern and Northern states. The Treaty of Versailles was not well accepted by Germany, which effectively led to World War II.

What is the least likely outcome of this stage for Jim?

he will become an addict