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Q: Who was the leader of the soviet unoin during this same time?
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What meteor shower same name as soviet leader?

Leonids .

When was the soviet union and the US on the same side?

They were on our side during World War 2.

Where Russia and the US ever on the same side during war?

Yes. The US and the Soviet Union were allies during both world wars.

During what years were Russia and the Soviet Union the same?

This may be nit-picking, but it probably would not be for natives of the several former Soviet Socialist Republics. Russia and the Soviet Union were actually never "the same". It's a little like asking 'During what years were England and Great Britain the same?' The term 'Russia' was often used as a commonly understood but not entirely accurate way of refering to the Soviet Union, in much the same way that the term 'America' is widely but inaccurately used to refer to the US. The Union of Soviet Socialist Republics existed from about 1918 until 1991. See link for more details.

One of the few times during the Cold War that the Soviet Union and the US found themselves on the same side of an issue was during?

The Suez Canal crisis

Which world war was kaiser a major participant?

The Kaiser was the leader of Germany during WW1 (it means leader the same as Caesar and Czar), but he wasn't much of a participant.

Is the fall of the Soviet Union the same as the Soviet Union split?


What former Soviet republics have legalized same-sex marriage?

No former Soviet republics have legalized same-sex marriage.

What was Russia's flag in World War II?

It was the same as during the entire Soviet era, all red with a sickle and hammer in the top left corner

Did Britain and France defeat the Soviet Union in World War 2?

Britain, France and the Soviet Union were on the same side during World War 2

Do the terms Soviet Union and Soviet Republic mean the same thing?

A soviet republic was a territory of the union (much like states today). USSR (soviet union) stands for "Union of Socialist Soviet Republics"

What empire ruled Trancaucasia for 70 years before 1991?

The Soviet Union or Soviet Empire. They are the same.