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President T. roosevelt

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Q: Who was the leader if the united states during most of world war2?
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Who was the leader of the United states during world war 1?

Woodrow Wilson

Who was the leader of the United states during most of World War 2?


What country was Roosevelt leader of during world war 2?

The united states of America

Which nation was the world economic leader after world war 1?

United States

Match the world leader with his nation John Kennedy?

United states

Who was US War Conservation Leader during World War 1?

During World War, conservation of food and supplies was needed to feed Europe and the Army. The conservation leader during this time was the head of the United States Food Administration. The head of the agency was Herbert Hoover.

Who was the leader of russia at the end of World War 2?

Joseph Stalin was the leader of the Soviet Union after World War II. While allies of Britain and the United States during the war, this was mainly because all considered Hitler to be their enemy. Directly, after the war, Britain and the United States ended their relationship with Stalin.

Which country is considered the leader of the free world?

The United States (USA), due to its "superpower" status (both economically and militarily) and international presence, is considered the leader of the free world. It can also be argued there is not just one leader - but the United States and the United Kingdom are possibly two of the leaders.

Who was the world leader of the cold war?

There was no one "world leader", but the two main competing nations were the United States and the Soviet Union.

When did United States Navy operations during World War I happen?

United States Navy operations during World War I happened in 1917.

What leader surprised the world by accepting talks with the united States?

Mao Zedong

Was Hitler presodent of the us at the beginning of world war 2?

No. Hitler was the leader of Germany during WW2. Franklin Delano Roosevelt was President of the United States.