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It's debatable. Some consider Julius Nepos to be the last Western Roman Emperor since he came to power legitimately. He was the nephew-in-law of Leo I, the Eastern Roman Emperor. Others consider his successor, Romulus Augustus, to be the last. He was a child placed on the throne by his father, the supreme commander of the Roman army (or magister militum), Flavius Orestes. Orestes had previously served in the court of Attila the Hun before he was defeated at the Battle of Chalons. He and his son were technically Germans but had attained Roman citizenship. Viewed as usurpers, Romulus and Orestes were quickly deposed by another German named Odoacer in 476; a non-Roman chieftain of the Foederati (that is, a loose collection of non-citizen allies who were employed as frontline soldiers by the empire) who took control of Italy and thus put an end to Roman rule over the West. Julius Nepos continued to rule the provinces of Gaul and Dalmatia for a short time but was murdered in 480.

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Romulus Augustue- the last Roman Emperor in the west was not technically overthrow. In 460 A.D when the Goths under Odowacher seize Ravenna- the capital after Rome fell in 410- Romulus abdicated his thrown and was allowed to retire to his country estates where he lived until his death.

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Romulus Augustus (nicknamed Romulus Augustulus "Little Augustus"), however some historians believe Julius Nepos was the last emperor.

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Romulus Augustus was deposed in 476.

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Q: When was the last Roman empire of the west overthrown?
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What was the last Roman Emperor?

The last Roman emperor in the west was overthrown in 476 and the last Roman emperor of the east, in 1453.The last Roman emperor in the west was overthrown in 476 and the last Roman emperor of the east, in 1453.The last Roman emperor in the west was overthrown in 476 and the last Roman emperor of the east, in 1453.The last Roman emperor in the west was overthrown in 476 and the last Roman emperor of the east, in 1453.The last Roman emperor in the west was overthrown in 476 and the last Roman emperor of the east, in 1453.The last Roman emperor in the west was overthrown in 476 and the last Roman emperor of the east, in 1453.The last Roman emperor in the west was overthrown in 476 and the last Roman emperor of the east, in 1453.The last Roman emperor in the west was overthrown in 476 and the last Roman emperor of the east, in 1453.The last Roman emperor in the west was overthrown in 476 and the last Roman emperor of the east, in 1453.

What year was the last Roman Emperor?

The last Roman emperor in the west was overthrown in 476 and the last Roman emperor of the east, in 1453.The last Roman emperor in the west was overthrown in 476 and the last Roman emperor of the east, in 1453.The last Roman emperor in the west was overthrown in 476 and the last Roman emperor of the east, in 1453.The last Roman emperor in the west was overthrown in 476 and the last Roman emperor of the east, in 1453.The last Roman emperor in the west was overthrown in 476 and the last Roman emperor of the east, in 1453.The last Roman emperor in the west was overthrown in 476 and the last Roman emperor of the east, in 1453.The last Roman emperor in the west was overthrown in 476 and the last Roman emperor of the east, in 1453.The last Roman emperor in the west was overthrown in 476 and the last Roman emperor of the east, in 1453.The last Roman emperor in the west was overthrown in 476 and the last Roman emperor of the east, in 1453.

Who deposed the last emperor of the Roman west?

If you are talking about the Roman Empire, it was Romulus Augustus

What was the last roman empire who was deposed by a German general in 476ad?

The last Roman emperor of the west was Romulus Augustus.

What is the name of the last roman empire?

The last Roman emperor of the west was Romulus Augustulus. The last emperor of the east was Constantine XI Dragases.

How old is Roman Empire?

The Roman Empire dates to 27 BC, when Octavian was given the title Augustus by the senate. It divided permanently in 395 AD into the East Roman Empire and the West Roman Empire. The date usually given for the fall of Rome is 476, when the last emperor of the West Roman Empire was deposed. The East Roman Empire, however, survived until 1453. There is a link below.

When did the roman empire in the west end?

The Roman Empire in the west ended in 476 AD, when the last Roman emperor, Romulus Augustus, was deposed by the Germanic king Odoacer. Odoacer then became the ruler of Italy and marked the end of the Western Roman Empire.

Was Constantine the last roman emperor?

No, Constantine died over 100 years before the West Roman Empire fell, and over 1100 years before the East Roman Empire (Byzantine Empire) fell.

Why was the fall of the Roman Empire not a complete fall?

The Roman Empire had been divided into the East Roman Empire, with its capital at Constantinople, and the West Roman Empire, with its capital either at Rome or Ravenna, in 395. The West Roman Empire was in a state of chaos, with various Germanic kingdoms forming, and though they nominally acknowledged the fact that they were in the Roman Empire, for the most part, they were not really under control. In 476, the last emperor of the West Roman Empire was deposed, and the emperor of the East Roman Empire was asked to assume control of the whole. This is the event referred to as the Fall of the Roman Empire. The Roman Senate, which had operated in Rome since before the Roman Republic continued to operate after the purported fall, and its last known act was after the year 600. The East Roman Empire continued to operate until Constantinople fell to the Turks in 1453.

What was the size of the roman empire from east to west?

The roman empire extended for about 4500 miles from west to east.

Who forced the last Roman Emperor in the west to abdicate?

Odoacer forced the last Roman emperor of the west to abdicate.Odoacer forced the last Roman emperor of the west to abdicate.Odoacer forced the last Roman emperor of the west to abdicate.Odoacer forced the last Roman emperor of the west to abdicate.Odoacer forced the last Roman emperor of the west to abdicate.Odoacer forced the last Roman emperor of the west to abdicate.Odoacer forced the last Roman emperor of the west to abdicate.Odoacer forced the last Roman emperor of the west to abdicate.Odoacer forced the last Roman emperor of the west to abdicate.

What time period do you call the roman empire?

------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Roman Empire is said to have begun when the Senate granted the title Augustus to Octavian on January 4, 27 BC. The date of the fall of the Roman Empire is usually given as 476 AD, though the empire did not really fall on that date. The Roman Empire divided and was reunited several times, the last division being in 395. The event of 476 was the abdication of the last Emperor of the West, in favor of the Emperor of the East. But the West Roman Empire had already become a chaotic mess and never recovered. The emperors of the East Roman Empire tried to reconquer the West, but never got very far. The East Roman Empire finally fell in 1453. Our current historians refer to the East Roman Empire from about 500 AD to 1453 as the Byzantine Empire. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------