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Henry VI was the last Lancastrian English king. He was the son of Henry V and came to the throne at the age of 9 months in 1422. He was deposed by Edward IV in 1461 and briefly was restored to the throne in 1470-1471 during the Wars of the Roses. He was then deposed again by Edward IV and died 'of melancholy' in captivity in 1471.

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Q: Who was the last Lancastrian king of England?
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Who was the first lancastrian king of England?

Henry 1V

Who was the first Lancaster king of England and what were the years of his reign?

The first Lancastrian king was Henry IV who deposed Richard II and ruled from 1399 - 1413: He was succeeded by his son Henry V who ruled from 1413 - 1422

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Richard III was the last medievil king of England

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Richard III was a Yorkist and was defeated by Henry Tudor who was a lancastrian

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The last king to die in England was George VI in 1952

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When was the last king?

Last king of what? There are still kings today. Queen Elizabeth's heir will be king of England. Sweden has a king. There are other countries that are still monarchies.

Was Henry VI Lancastrian?

Yes Henry VI was from the lancastrian house