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It was Hannibal Barca. He did not actually abandon his campaign. He was recalled to Carthage because Rome was attacking Africa. However, his campaign had come to a dead end. He had retreated to Calabria (the toe of Italy) because it was easy to defend it due to its steep mountains and had sent the last four years stuck there.

His campaign reached this dead end because his brother Hasdrubal, who was bringing reinforcements and siege machines to him, was intercepted, routed and killed. Without these siege machines, Hannibal could nor attach Rome (he had lost his when crossing the Alps). Moreover, Hannibal also needed more soldiers, but after Hasdrubal's fate, Carthage refused to support him.

The famous Roman general, Scipius Africanus was conducting a successful campaign in Spain and Carthage was at risk of losing it. The base of Carthage's wealth was Spain, especially her silver mines. The bulk of the Carthaginian infantry was supplied by allies in Spain. Carthage decided that her economic interests in Spain were more important than Hannibal's campaign.

Scipius Africanus won in Spain and Carthage had to cede Spain to Rome. After this, he attacked Africa (where Carthage was) and Hannibal was recalled to help to defend the city.

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Q: Who was the hero of the second punic war and accomplished some victories in Italy but abandoned his campaign and returned to Carthage?
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What was not accomplished by Julius Caesar?

Julius Caesar did not accomplish the campaign to Parthia. He as killed before he left for the campaign.

Is Africa named after Scipio Africanus?

No - the other way around. Africanus was added to his name after a successful campaign against Carthage there.

How was Roman agriculture influenced by Hannibal's conquest of Rome?

Hannibal did not conquer Rome. He invaded Italy with the intention of seizing Rome. After some victories in northern and central Italy he moved to southern Italy instead of marching on Rome. He conducted the rest of his campaign, which eventually failed, in southern Italy. The Romans retook most of his gains in that area and neutralised his threat. He spent the last four years stuck in the easily defensible mountainous toe of Italy (today's Calabria). He was eventually recalled to Carthage because the Romans had started a military campaign in her homeland in Africa.

What victories did the allies achieve at sea?

During World War II, the Allies achieved numerous victories at sea. In the Pacific, an early (and quite pivotal) victory occurred in the Battle of Midway against the Japanese in 1942. In the Atlantic, the Allies overcame the German submarine campaign during 1943.

What were general Grant's victories against Robert E. Lee characterized by?

The Overland Campaign was mostly characterised by Confederate victories. But Grant had ended the system of prisoner exchange, knowing that the Confederates would run out of men first. Then he settled down to the long siege of Petersburg, and simply watched it happen.

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