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Zahir-ud-din babur

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Q: Who was the founder of Mughal dynasty in India?
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The emperor Akbar is remembered for?

Akbar was the third Mughal Emperor and the founder of the Mughal Dynasty in India.

Why was The Mughal Dynasty also called 'Timur's House'?

Babur, founder of the Mughal Empire in India, was sixth in descent from Amir Timur. Thats why the Mughal Dynasty is also known as Timurid Dynasty of India or Timur's House.

Who was Babur the tiger?

He was Emperor and Founder of the Mughal dynasty of India A descendent of Genghis Khan and Timur

Was Babur was the first Mughal king?

Yes, Babur is the founder of Mughal rule in India, he is the first mughal king. Mughals is a dynasty formed from the divided Mongol dynasty of Persia(now Iran). Babur was a Muslim and a descendant of Genghis Khan.

Who preceded Akbar as the emperor of the Mughal Dynasty in India?

Jahagir preceded Akbar as the emperor of the Mughal Dynasty in India

Is there any other emperor before Humayun and if then name him?

Yes. Babur was the first Mughal Emperor and founder of the Mughal Dynasty in India. Humayun was Babur's eldest son.

Was Babur the founder of the Mughal empire?

Yes. Zahir-ud-din Muhammad Babur defeated Sultan Ibrahim Lodi in the First Battle of Panipat (1526) and founded the Mughal Dynasty in India.

Where is the first tomb of mughal empire of India?

The first tomb of the Mughal Empire in India is Babur's tomb, which is located in Kabul, Afghanistan. Babur was the founder of the Mughal dynasty.

Who replaced the mughal dynasty in India?

the British

Was Babur the founder of Mughal dynasty in Northern India?

Yes, Babur was a founder of Mughal dynasty.His father was a king of Samarkand and after his death he became the ruler.His father had seven sons but Babur was the most intelligent that's why the people of Samarkand choose Babur to be their next king.

Which Mughal emperor's rule was interrupted by the Sur Dynasty?

Emperor Humayun's (1530-1540 & 1555-1556) reign was interrupted by the Sur Dynasty. Sher Shah Suri, founder of Sur Dynasty, defeated Humayun in two battles and drove him out of India. In 1555, Humayun defeated Sher Shah's successor Sikandar Suri and re-established the Mughal Empire in India.

Was Jalaluddin Muhammad Akbar the first Mughal ever?

Zahir-ud-din Muhammad Babur (1526-1530) was the first Mughal Emperor and founder of the Mughal dynasty. Akbar (1556-1605), the third Mughal Emperor, was the greatest ruler of the Mughal dynasty.