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Q: Who was the first to break from great Britain during the revolutionary war?
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What was Turtle and the significance during Revolutionary War?

the turtlebwas the first submersible craft used in recorded warfare. it was intended to help break the british blockade during the revolutionary war

During the what the majority of delegates voted to break away from Britain?

the first continental congress

Who was the the first American to die in the revolutionary war?

Crispus Attucks was the first person killed during the American Revolutionary War. He was killed during the Boston Massacre.

Where was the first shot during the revolutionary war?


Who fired the first shots of the Revolutionary war?

I believe it was Great Britain but correct me if I'm wrong.

Why was the first amendment so important during the revolutionary war?

The First Amendment didn't exist during the Revolutionary War, which happened before the Constitution and Bill of Rights had been enacted.

Where was the first fighting during the revolutionary war?

Lexington and Concord was the first battle fought.

Was Idaho a coloney during the Revolutionary war?

No, Idaho was not a colony during the Revolutionary War. In fact, the first organized town was not founded in Idaho until 1860.

What president was a General during the Revolutionary War?

Theodore Roosevelt. PS: George Washington was in the FIRST revolutionary war. There were two, turd.

What was the biggest mistake Britain made in the colonies before 1776?

The first continetial congress and begging to fight in the revolutionary war

Did Mary goddard dislike Great Britain?

Mary Goddard was the publisher of the only newspaper available in Baltimore during the Revolutionary War. She was the first publisher to print and show the entire Declaration of Independence, including signatures. As a patriot, Mary would not have been very fond of Great Britain.