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My interpretation would be your fat mom

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Q: Who was the first person to try chocolate?
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Who invented eggless chocolate chip cookies?

No body invented chocolate chip cookies they were just the first person to try and make egg less chocolate chip cookies.

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Who made the first chocolate piece?

The person that made the first chocolate was are you ready for this..........................................................................Garrett Paxton made the first one and ate it!

Who was the first person to create chocolate?

lousin alberto manocohavin

Who was the first person to discover chocolate?

I like turtles

Who ate the first ever chocolate bar?

Well Jhon Caburys was the first person to make a chocolate bar

What is a chocolate person?

A chocolate person is a person who loves chocolate.

Where can you buy chocolate for teachers?

Have a try on All kinds of gift chocolate. Individulized chocolates are good choice for special person.

Who was the first person to try snowboarding?

The first person to try snowing was thomas quitin.

Who was the first person to ever dislike chocolate?

yourr motheerrrr

Who was the first person to make chocolate in Dunedin in 1884?

Richard Hudson

Who was the first people that made candy?

nikki tinnell was the first the first person was charlie who had the chocolate factory