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The first person to put milk into tea was Teana Teucrides, the seventh daughter of Prince Teanek Teucrides of Troy. She brought in a pail of goat milk just as her mother was serving the first cup of morning tea to the prince. Teana stumbled over the family cat and a splash of milk went into his cup. Teanek found the taste pleasant, and a worldwide tradition was born.

This happened before the historic war with the Greeks. It was tea with milk that enabled the Trojans to hold out against a vastly superior army of soldiers, sailors, and Marines for more than ten years. Since goat milk is heavier than cows' milk, and richer in butterfat, the drink stiffened the upper lips of the Trojans.

FWIIW, this was also long before Devon Cream was invented.

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Q: Who was the first person to put milk into tea?
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Does the queen put the milk in first when drinking tea?

No, the earl grey tea has to be poured first then the milk is added, this is how her majesty drinks tea with milk. Only common people put the milk first when drinking tea that some British royalties have called them the Mifs (milk in first people).

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Its no biggy put the milk in

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There is no fast and true method. Some say one, some say the other. If you put the milk in first, you do not have to stir your tea, however, if you haven't left the tea to steep long enough you can not return it to the pot to let it get stronger.

Do tea cakes contain milk?

Only if you put milk in, otherwise tea is all-natural.

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How do you make the best tea ever?

The main tips are: Put fresh water into the kettle. (Pre-boiled water loses its dissolved oxygen and some of its taste). Use boiling water. Use cold milk. If you use a pot, warm the pot first. Put the milk in the cup first (if you put the milk in afterward you can "scald" the milk). But if you make the tea in a mug (with a tea bag) wait for the tea to brew and remove the bag BEFORE adding milk (otherwise the milk reduces the temperature and stops the brewing). In places like Ceylon (Sri Lanka) where the tea is really fresh and strong, you can use warm milk; but the tea is very different from the drink we are used to in the West. This is because the tea that is exported in tea chests is months old and virtually stale by the time we get to use it.

Does the order of putting the milk in when making a cup of tea matter?

It matters. Milk in first, then the tea

Who first added milk to tea?

The British were the first group of people to add milk to tea. Americans have picked up this custom, particularly when drinking 'high tea'.

What ingredients do Britain's typically add to their cups of tea?

its usually sugar, but some people have it just plain. Milk, or milk and sugar. Very few Britons drink 'black' tea, i.e. without milk (but my two daughters do drink it black).

Why don't Chinese people put milk in their tea?

Ever tried putting milk in green tea? It's disgusting. That's why.

Is the container you put milk in for tea called a creamer?

The small pitcher used to place the milk or cream in for tea is commonly called a creamer.

Why if black tea were pour in first rather than milk the black tea with milk will stays hot longer?

It won't.