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Unfortunately we shall never know this as it happened long before there was any recorded history, either written or oral. The one thing that is certain is that the inventor was not a modern human, but was one of our ancient prehuman ancestors, as the fossil record clearly shows they had invented and were making and using a wide variety of tools made of stone, bone, antler, etc. Its fairly certain that this first invention was made by an individual that had no language (and thus no name), as it probably preceded the invention of language (the most powerful of all human inventions).

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Q: Who was the first person to invent something What did they invent?
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Walter Yeng was the first suggestor and the person who invented it or made it, was Roseline Pipaget.

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The first person to invent a computer is Charles Babbage, that is why he is being referred to as the father of computer.

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he did not invent anything but did the worlds first heart transplant

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