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Saul was the first king over Israel.

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Q: Who was the first king of the ancient Hebrews?
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Who ruled the ancient Hebrews?

The first king of the Hebrews was Saul. Then David, then Solomon.

First king of the ancient Hebrews?

The first king of Israel was Saul, followed by David, and Solomon.

What type of government did they had in ancient civilitation the hebrews?

The Ancient Hebrews' government was monarchy and was lead by King Soliz, Anothony was his first name. It failed in the late 1000 BCE

Who was the fourth king of the ancient Hebrews?

There was no forth king.

Who was the first ruler of the Ancient Hebrews?

God was.

Who was the first king of the Hebrews?

The first king for the Hebrews was the king Saul. First King Saul was the first king around 1020 B.C.E Then King David from 1--5-970 who defeated the Philistines centralized kingdom with Jerusalem, as its capital (Son of King David) King Solomon 970-931 his greatest achievement was the construction of the (first) grand temple in Jerusalem

Who was the first Biblical generation to call upon the LORD?

The Ancient Hebrews.

Did The ancient Hebrews trade gold?

Yes, the Ancient Hebrews traded gold.

Was Russian a language spoken by ancient Hebrews?

No. The Ancient Hebrews spoke Hebrew.

What culture did ancient Hebrews believe in?

The ancient Hebrews believed only in their own culture.AnswerThe beliefs and practices of the Torah.

What is another name for the ancient Hebrews?

The Ancient Hebrews have been called:IsraelitesChildren of IsraelPeople of IsraelIsraelJudaeansJews The Egyptians called them Habiru.

Who the ancient Jewish king?

I believe that the first ancient Jewish king was King Saul.